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Park Jimin

The next evening, I was alone in the house since I decided to take a day off. I didn't want to go work because I felt my body was damn fatigue. I might get sick if I continue working at this time.

Aera was currently working right now. I didn't tell her that I was off from work today because I knew, if she knows that I was sick, she'd starts nagging at me. I know she's just concern, but I find it a bit annoying because I hate when someone talks too much to me.

On the other hand, Uncle Seon went out to go to the pharmacy nearby because I asked him to buy me some pain killers. My head had been aching a lot lately. It's not a normal ache. It was so hurt that my face will turn to red sometimes.

I held my heart that was beating so fast as if it wanted to go out from my body. Not only my head, but my heart hurts too. I literally had no idea why it happens to me. Do I have a serious disease? Probably. But I hope I don't because I can't die now.

I still have so many things to archive in my life.

I heaved a sigh and walked to my desk. But I stopped when I realized that I was standing right in front of the mirror. It had been awhile since the last time I looked at myself in the mirror. It's not like I didn't want to, but I hate to see my own reflection.

But this time, I didn't want to be the same. My hand curled to a fist and I turned to the mirror.

My head slowly turned up itself and I looked into the mirror, where my reflection was. I stared at myself for a pretty minute and turned away directly. I can't bare to see my own self. It disguise me.

Other people might adore me by how I look. But none of them know how much I hate to see myself.

I looked at my dark eyes, the cold beast look resting on my face, pale lips—

How do Aera even wanted to stay with me? I'm a totally disgusting monster. I clenched my jaw and hissed silently.

What's the point to be alive?


Aera was busy decorating the new clothes she designed. It took her 2 weeks to satisfy the customer. She had to deal with a picky customer so it was quite tiring but knowing they love the results really give her satisfaction.

But now, she just needed to add on some decorations like labucci, high class pearl and so on.

Her hands carefully put the decorations on the expensive clothes to make sure she didn't make anything wrong. Suddenly, her phone rang, pulling her out from the hot sensation.

She heaved a sigh and looked at her phone that was placed right beside her sketchbook. She put down all her things and answered the call.

"Hello, Jimin? " Aera asked, somehow confused because Jimin suddenly called her.

"Aera—" he coughed up.

"Jimin? What's wrong? You sound sick" she said.

"I, I'm alone " he stated without giving any clue about what was happening on him. Aera raised her brows, "What are you trying to tell me? Why are you alone? Where are you? " she asked, concern about his condition. He can't be alone when he's sick because he'd act out of control sometimes. It'd put himself in danger.

"I'm home— alone. No one is with me right now. Oh wait— there's someone in my room. Myself " he sniffled and ended the call. She bit her lower lip as her brain couldn't process what was going on. He was talking nonsense and it makes she became more worried. Ignoring the fact that she needed to get the dress done, she took her handbag and rushed home.

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