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“Darkness can't drive out darkness; only light can do that ”

Since I can't sleep after having the terrible nightmare, I decided to go downstairs and make a tea for myself. Well, it had been my habit since I kept having troubles to sleep. The internet said that tea can help to chill us down.

I spent almost 15 minutes in the kitchen, just staring at the the wall and ceiling. There was no one in the kitchen so I was alone.

Finally, I felt a bit sleepy.

I washed the cup and made my way up to my room. As usual, I need to walk past Jimin's room since our room was just beside each other.

But there was something that make me stopped. I heard a noise coming from his room.

Wait. It wasn't a noise. But a screaming.

I rushed to his room and opened the door. His room was dark and just filled by his groaning sound. He was having a bad time on the bed.

I was so worried so I went straight to him and held his hand. "Wake up Jimin! Wake up" I yelled, thinking that it would work. But it seemed like it doesn't. He didn't even open his eyes even I've shook his body.

I never felt so worried like I'm feeling right now. After all things I did to wake him up, he still didn't respond. Forcing myself to think, I finally got an idea.

I went straight into his bathroom and took some water to pour onto his face. I hope it could work as I wish it to do. Sweats started to roll down from my forehead as I was scared of Jimin's condition.

I can't tell that he was sick or having a nightmare because he looked so terrible. He kept yelling and groaning.

I splashed the water to him and he woke up right away. He took a moment to catch his breath back and wiped the water with his hands.

He was still trying to process about what was going on. But when he realized I was standing beside him, he turned his eyes to me. His eyes scanned me and looked at his wet body.

"Did you splash the water to me? " he asked. Since I really did that and had no other option to say, I nodded my head. He glared at me and hissed. "Why did you do that? And why you're in my room? Didn't I told you to not entering my room without my permission?! " he asked in mad.

"But I helped you. You were screaming asking for help. How can I just ignore it? " I snapped back.

He stood up and went to me who was standing right beside his bed. His eyes were big and full with darkness which was frightening me. He didn't look like himself. He was a different person.

"I warned you and you should obey me. Is it that hard? " he asked in a scaring tone. He sounded like a monster who was trying to eat people. I closed my eyes in fear, "But you were asking for help " I stuttered out.

I can feel something bad was going to happen. Because I know that I wasn't talking to Jimin. But another different person. Was he possessed?

He took another step closer to me and made our heads touched. He gripped on my wrist and pulled me closer. His grip was too tight that make me winced in pain.

"Jimin, you're hurting me—" I said but he didn't seem like he cares.

He hit the wall hardly and started to yell back at me. "Why didn't you obey me?! "

"Park Jimin! " someone yelled at him which make him to turn away. It was Uncle Seon.

He looked at us and spotted that Jimin was hurting me. He came to us and pushed Jimin away. "What are you doing? You're hurting Aera! " he scolded him who was stumbled to the floor.

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