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I see nothing but darkness

I see nothing but darkness —Jimin

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Jimin slowly opened his eyes and covered them with his palm when the sun bright was shining right on his face.

He turned to his sides and tried to see if anyone was there. But there was nobody in his room. He sighed and tried to sit but a a slight pain was felt on his head. He stopped his movement and touched his forehead then found there was a bandage wrapped around his head.

Didn't know what had happen, he called for Uncle Seon.

"Uncle? Uncle, come here. " he yelled loud enough for anyone to hear. Then, Uncle Seon showed up in his room and asked "Yes, Sir? ". He seemed relaxed.

"What's wrong with my head? Why is it wrapped? " Jimin asked. Uncle Seon mouthed him an O then walked closer to his bed.

"Actually, Sir. You fainted yesterday. At an apartment building, " he answered him. Jimin was a bit surprised after hearing his answer. But then, he managed to remember what happened to him yesterday.


Couldn't bare the pain in his heart anymore, he decided to go home. But before that, he turned to look at her for the last time.

"I'll miss you. Even you betrayed me, " he said to himself before walking away. But before he could even take a step back, he noticed there was a group of men were doing a maintenance work on the second floor and Aera was right under the floor they were working. Having eagle eyes, Jimin spotted that one of the bricks they use for work was about to fall from the building. And if it falls, it was going to hit Aera.

He gasped as he turned back to Aera who was standing right under the brick. Seeing the brick was about to fall, he ran towards her and pushed her to the side. But then, the brick fell and hit him.

Then, everything went blank.

Jimin turned back to Uncle Seon and asked. "Who brought me home? "

Uncle Seon looked a bit guilty to answer his question. He looked down and sighed. "Why you're not answering me? I'm talking to you now. " Jimin said.

"Yeah but— I don't think I should tell you this. You may lost your mood, " Uncle Seon said, making Jimin wanted to know more eagerly.

"Just tell me, I deserve to know " he scoffed. As a man who raised him up, Uncle Seon knows he couldn't win any conversation with Jimin. So he decided to just let him know. He sighed, "Alright then. If you really want to know. "

"Taehyung brought you here. " he stated

"What? Taehyung? " he asked in disbelief.

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