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Park Jimin

I informed my manager that I couldn't get into work today. I decided to spend the whole day resting.

After I make sure everything was fine, I ended the call and turned on the television. But what I saw on the television absolutely ruined my mood.

My dad

"Our beloved President, Park Junghwan visited the Orphanage today. He also gave them a speech about love and some money" the reporter said.

I turned off the television and threw the remote away. How plastic he was. He talked about love? What a shit. He, himself didn't know what love is and he wanted to talk about it?

He acted like he cares about the orphans but I know he doesn't. He neglected me when I was a kid. He didn't deserve to talk about love. He can't even care about his own child. Pft, he just pretended to be nice. Disgusting.

I'm so tired of seeing fake people nowadays. They're too plastic. I ruffled my hair and went into my second room.

I hadn't enter this room for a while now. I was too busy with reality that I forgot to spend some time for myself.

I went to a big shelf of mine and picked a big album. I have so many photos keep in it. I have many albums but this one is my most favourite so I keep it in my private room. I don't want people to see it except me.

I blew the cover and started to open the page. Once I saw my mom's picture, a smile crept on my face. She looked so beautiful like she always did.

I missed her so much. More than everything.

I sighed and opened the next page. The next photo I was seeing was my favourite. There was a pic of me and a girl who was holding my cat, Orchid. I smiled at my sight.

But when I looked down at the next photo, my smile faded right away. It was a pic of my family, including my dad. He was carrying me while holding my mom's hand. We were at the park. What's funny there was he had no smile on his face.

Even he had both his son and wife by his side, he still didn't tend to smile. Such an ungrateful person.

I felt anger started boiling in my head. I closed the album and put it on the table. I was supposed to cut his picture out from the album. But I didn't because I don't want to destroy my mom's photo.

I sighed and walked out from the room.

The memories I had with her— they were still fresh in my memories. But why can't I remember her?

where are you?


"Jimin! Jimin where are—" Jungkook stopped when he finally saw him. He ran towards him and took the wine bottle away from him.

"Stop it! You can't drink this shit! " He yelled at Jimin. He didn't expect to see him in this condition. His eyes were red and he looked very unhealthy.

"You just got out from hospital and now you're drinking? You're insane Jimin! " he shook his head as he threw the bottle away. Jimin looked at Jungkook with his half opened eyes and laughed.

"I'm not insane, Jungkook. I'm crazy " he laughed again.

"The Jimin I know hates drinking. But what are you doing now? You look worst than before. " Jungkook scoffed.

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