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She sat on the chair in the cafe and waited for him to arrive. She called him last night telling that she wanted to meet him today and he agreed.

Aera chose to meet at the cafe because whenever she felt like her brain wouldn't give her any time to rest, she'll always go to the cafe that was stationed just a few metres from Jimin's place. After all, the cafe she went was Taehyung's favourite place. She always went there with Taehyung after work, before she met Jimin.

As all of you know, Aera and Taehyung are close. They hang out together quite often but they started to distancing themselves since she already has a fiance and will get married soon.

Without her realization, it started raining. The rain started to pour to the ground little by little till it starts to get heavy. Aera loves to listen to the raining sound since she found it was relaxing and good for herself. It was calming.

While she was busy admiring the rain, Jungkook arrived at the cafe with an umbrella in his hand. Once he closed the umbrella, he turned his head to left and right just to find where Aera was. Just in a blink, he spotted Aera who was enjoying the rain with her eyes shut closed.

He smiled and mumbled. "There she is "

Casually, he put his umbrella to the side and walked to the table where Aera was sitting. He poked her shoulder gently to give her sign that he was there. Aera opened her eyes slowly and raised her eyebrow when she realized that Jungkook was already in front of her.

"How long have you been there? I'm sorry. I was focusing on the raining sound that I didn't notice your arrival " she let out a small chuckle.

Jungkook shook his head, showing that he was alright. "It's okay. I just arrived here for a few minutes " he stated and Aera nodded her head slowly.

"So you're the type who love nature, isn't? " Jungkook asked to make a conversation so that Aera won't feel awkward around him. He wanted her to get comfortable.

"Yes. I enjoy nature so much, it gives me chill everytime I have problems or going through a hard times " Aera answered as she sipped on her hot americano. Jungkook nodded as response.

"So, can I know why you invited me here? It's all of the sudden. I bet there must be a reason, right? " Jungkook asked straight to the point since he noticed that Aera had a frowning face as if she was thinking about how to start.

After putting her cup down, she spreaded her arms and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't how to start though. It's quite complicated to tell. But I need to tell you. " she sighed.

Her face looked weak and quite pale. She seemed like she was keeping something to herself. But she can't keep it alone so she needed someone to talk to.

Jungkook looked at her fingers that was tapping the table.

He smiled, "You know you can trust me, right? I won't tell anyone. I promise "

After a moment, he finally earned her trust. She still hesitate to share the story with him. But she felt that he won't betray her so she opened her mouth and began to talk.

"What?! You serious?! " Jungkook asked as he can't believe what Aera just said. Every words was hard for him.

"So, did he hurt you? " he asked and Aera hurriedly hid her wrist from Jungkook's sight. She didn't want him to tell Jimin about it because she knows Jimin will feel bad. Or maybe he won't even care.

She gulped and bit her lips in nervousness, hoping that Jungkook didn't notice her bruises. "No. He didn't do anything to me. You know him, right? He won't hurt people " Aera said

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