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—Don't leave me

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Don't leave me. Ever.

3 weeks later.

"Sir, do you need anything? Something like coffee or tea? " Jimin's manager asked as he stood straight in front of his desk. Looking up from the files, he sighed. "A cup of coffee please. " he stated and the boy nodded his head.

"Alright, Sir. " he said and walked out from his office to make him a cup of hot coffee.

When his manager had left, he heaved a sigh and rested his head on the desk while breathing heavily. He was so tired after the 3 hours of meeting with a company from Scotland.

After he felt all his muscles had relax a bit, he straightened his back again and waited for his manager to serve his coffee. "Here's your coffee, Sir. "  the boy said as he handed him the cup.

But then, his eyes suddenly saw a tuna sandwich that the boy was holding. "What is it, Jae? " he asked.

"Hm? Oh, you mean this sandwich? My girlfriend gave it to me for lunch. Do you want some? " he offered.

Jimin stopped and stared at his sandwich. When he looked at his sandwich, he remembered about the moment when Aera made him some sandwiches for breakfast. But he refused to eat it and even scolded her for cooking.

"Sir? " his manager asked, making Jimin to blink his eyes. "Do you want some? " he was still with the same question. Jimin cleared his throat and nodded.

"Yeah, give me one of it. " he said and reached for the sandwich. "It's just a simple sandwich. But I hope you enjoy it. " he smiled before walking out from Jimin's office.

"I hope I could turn back the time so I could fix what I had done wrong to her. " he sighed while staring at the sandwich.

Park Jimin

I headed back home and took off my shoes. It was already 8 O'clock and my bedtime was 10 p.m.. Taking bath is the best thing to do before going to bed.

But I was stopped by Mrs Song who came to me with a bowl of hot soup noodle. "Sir. You come home late again. You must be so hungry, right? Here. I've made you noodles to eat. " she handed me the bowl.

"Or you want me to put it in your room? " she asked.

I stared down at the noodle and sighed. "I'm not hungry. Thank you " I rejected and was about to walk away.

"But Sir. You haven't eat in awhile. Please eat it. I don't want to see you starve yourself again. " she pleaded.

I sighed and gave up after looking at her sad crinkled face. "Okay. " I said and took the bowl from her. She smiled brightly after I took the bowl from her.

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