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At night

Uncle Seon and Mrs Song has prepared the dinner. So as usual, he will call both of Jimin and Aera to come down and have their dinner.

But what make him feel weird was, none of them showed up. Usually, Jimin will get down right on time and never late. Didn't know the truth, he shrugged all the thoughts off and made his way to Jimin's room.

He knocked on his door several times, calling for his name but he didn't answer. Feeling worried, he went to the store and took the spare key.

He was afraid if Jimin fainted or sick. Without wasting any time, he put the key into the hole and opened it right away.

He rushed into his room and looked at his bed, where Jimin and Aera were sleeping while hugging with each other. He stopped his steps and squinted his eyes in disbelief.

Jimin's hands were all wrapped around Aera and they were covered by the thick blanket since it was raining outside. Aera had her leg on Jimin's waist and their faces were very close.

Couldn't believe what he was seeing, Uncle Seon went closer to them. It was hard for him to believe his own eyes. Yet, he was happy for Jimin.

The way he hugged Aera shows that he has started loving her as his partner. He smiled at the nice sight and held his chest. He felt that his heart was melting by what he was seeing.

He smiled genuinely and make his way out of the room to give them some private space.

The following day, Jimin woke up right when the clock hit 7 a.m. Once he opened his eyes, he could feel the warm sun light was shinning on his bare face.

He heaved a sigh and stretched out his tired body. As he was about to get up, he felt something gripped on his waist. He stopped for a second and turned to his side just to find Aera who was sleeping soundly. His eyes widened in disbelief but he managed to calm down after he remembered what happened last night.

He had a night with her and he didn't mad this time. Because he was the one who wanted that.

The moment of last night crossed in his mind and he chuckled softly. "She was cute" he mumbled while rubbing his face softly. He never felt that happy in his whole life but he just did yesterday. And he hopes the feeling he felt last night will last long.

He turned to Aera who was still sleeping and removed her arm from his waist gently. He didn't want to wake her up because he knew they will act awkward with each other.

As he was release by her grip, he pulled up the blanket to cover her body. He wanted to get ready and go to work. But while he was pulling up the blanket, he noticed something weird on her neck. He stopped his actions and pull her hair away to look at her neck.

At the first glance, he thought it was bruises. But after a few seconds, he realized that it was hickeys that he left on her neck last night. He gasped loudly and cursed under his breath when he remembered that he left a lot of hickeys on her.

He slapped his face and mumbled softly. "What I'm gonna do? Her friends will see these marks " he sighed and think of something to cover the hickeys.

He frowned and sighed deeply since he had no idea on how to hide the marks. "Maybe I should've think before leaving the hickeys "

An hour later, Aera woke up and found that she slept in Jimin's room. She squinted her eyes and yawned.

"Where did he go? " she mumbled as she looked around, wondering where Jimin was. "Maybe he has went downstairs " she said to herself and got up from the comfy bed. Unfortunately it was Thursday so she needed to go work. She really wanted to stay at home and spend the whole day at the backyard.

But she doesn't own the company so she can do nothing about it. Lazily, she made her way out from the room while trying to accept the fact that she needed to work. She loves her work, but she was just too tired and really needed a rest.

As she made her way back to her room, she went to the mirror to see her morning face. She yawned again and looked into the mirror just to find there was some red marks on her neck. Her eyes enlarged in shocked as she held her neck with both of her hands. "Oh shoot, what did I do last night? " she mumbled as she tried to remember.

Once the memories got back into her head, she gasped and closed her mouth. "Did I do something dirty last night? " she asked as every moment of last night recalled back in her head.

"Omg " she shook her head and sat on the nearest chair.

"I don't know how I'll act when I meet him"

Park Jimin

Mrs Song was spreading the butter on my bread while Uncle Seon was making my coffee. I heaved a sigh and nervously waited for Aera to come down.

I had never been so nervous to death but now, I am.

I heard the footsteps sound was coming towards us, signalling that Aera was coming down. I cleared my throat and straighten my back so that I won't look so clumsy. I took the cup from Uncle Seon and pretended to drink it while my eyes were searching for her figure to show up.

I saw her shadow. So she was hiding behind the wall. Probably she was doubting to join me for the breakfast. Well.

I put the cup down and said "You'd better eat now or you'll late for work "

After she muttered something, she finally walked to the dining table and joined me for the breakfast. She put her things on the chair and sat across me.

I didn't look at her for the first few minutes because it'll get awkward. After a moment, I finally looked up at her and glanced at her neck. The hickeys were still there but I could say that she put some cream to cover them. But it didn't work as she thought it would be.

I took the scarf that was beside me and handed it to her. "Here, take this and cover your neck " I said and she stopped munching her food. She looked at the scarf for awhile and blinked her eyes.

"It's okay. I don't need it " she rejected my offer.

I sighed. "Just wear it or your colleagues will see the marks. Do you want everyone to know that you had a ni—"

She took the scarf away from me before I finished my sentence. "I'll wear it then. Thank you " she said as she wrapped the scarf around her neck.

"Good " I said and continued eating my meal, trying my best to act normally even I know I can't.





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