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Park Jimin

Now it makes sense why she really wanted me to go to the Namsan tower. She wanted to create her last memory with me. But what was her point? Did she cheats on me? Or, she knows the truth?

These questions always been in my mind since the day she left and now, it made me feel terrible as I couldn't even feel calm.

But the fact is, I know Aera would never cheat on me. She's a good girl. I know her well more than anyone.

Then, does it means she lost interest in me? Or did I hurt her?

I started to overthinking again and again. Sighing, I turned my body to face the window as I stared out of it.

I'm desperate to know the reason.

At the hospital

Aera stared at the weak figure laid on the bed with wires around his body. He was dying on the bed, alone. Just like what he did to his late wife.

She was doubting to approach him since his condition was so bad and critical. But she needed to ask him something. The thing that's really important to all of them.

Nervously, she took a step closer to the bed and rubbed her palms against each other to ease her nerves. The old man laying on the bed seemed to notice her absence in the room as his eyes were already looking at her.

"Ae... Ra. " his weak, hoarse voice filled the room.

Aera cleared her throat and looked at Jimin's dad. "Uncle " she spoke while trying to swallow any saliva that was left in her mouth. She turned her head back to see Jungkook who was looking at her through the window. She heaved a sigh and tried to go near him.

Once she finally sat down, she smiled. "Hi, I'm Kim Aera. Jimin's fiancee " she told him even she knew his dad already knows her. The old man nodded slowly as response.

"I'm coming here to ask you about Jimin's— disease. " she stated directly, straight to the point. His dad was quite shocked knowing that she already knows the truth.

"Yes. I knew it. From someone else " she added as if she knew what his dad wanted to ask. His dry lips was opened as he tried to speak to the girl in front him.

"You want to know? The truth? " he was able to ask.

"Yes. Tell me the truth untold "

Heaving a very deep sigh, Jimin stopped his car right in front of a small cafe, the place he loves to spend his time. But, he hadn't come to the cafe for a few weeks now. Since the day Aera left.

He had a real breakdown but finally, he managed to convince himself. He can't be sad forever. He believed that he needs to move on from what happened. But, the wounds on his heart is still there. Even so, he didn't blame anyone on what had happen to him. Because he knows everything occurs for a reason.

He got off from his car and made his way into the cafe. His face looked quite pale and he had lose a few kg of his weight due to his 2 weeks depression. So he had to wear mask to cover his terrible face to prevent people from taking his photos. Or else, the multimedia might published a fake rumors about him involved in a drug case. Tsk.

His skinny hands pushed the door and walked into the air conditioner shop where he wanted to buy his coffee. At this point, he needed more caffeine than usual so he ordered a 17 shots Americano. He needed to stay awake till late night since there were a lot of work he had to do.

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