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Kim Aera

knock knock

"Aera-ya " I heard my mom's voice was calling me. I sat up on my bed and squinted my eyes as I looked at the clock.

7.15 a.m.

Gladly today is Saturday. Means, it's holiday!

"Yes mom " I responded and walked to the door to open it. When the door was opened, I was shot by my mom's killer smile. She has such a pretty smile. Maybe that's why my dad wanted to marry her.

I grinned, "What's wrong? " I asked.

She held my hands and asked "Do you still remember what we talked last night? "

I acted like I was thinking for a while and nodded my head. "Yeah, you want me to marry with Jimin, the President's son right? " I asked.

She smiled in relief and rubbed both my palms. "He texted me earlier " she spoke. My eyes moved to her again as I got suspend. Did he wants to cancel our wedding?

"What did he says? " I asked while trying my best to look relaxed.

"He wants you to move into his " she answered which make me surprised. "Wait, what? Why? " I asked in disbelief.

We didn't even know each other and he wanted me to move into his house this fast? Woa, did he can't wait to be my husband or what?

"I hope you'd agree because I accidentally said yes to him. I'm so sorry. I don't why did I do that " my mom said, showing that I had no other choice except yes. I heaved a sigh and nodded my head.

"It's okay mom. It's not your fault. Besides we're going to get married soon. So moving in early isn't a problem " I said to not making my mom feels bad. A smile showed up on her face and she asked "So that means you agree to marry him? "

I shrugged, "Yeah "

Once the word "yeah" spilled out from my mouth, I can see excitement filling up her face. "Gosh Aera, I can't be happier more than this. Thank you so much, Aera " she thanked me

I can see a joy tears in her eyes. I hate crying but she makes me wanted to cry. I hugged her and both of us started sobbing.

I really wish my future husband is a good man who can love me like my parents do.

1.05 p.m.

A black car arrived right in front my house. Jimin sent his driver to pick me up. Honestly, I think it wasn't a proper way for first approach but it's okay. Maybe he was busy.

The uncle helped me to put my luggage into the car and I got into the passenger seat. Once the uncle was done with my luggage, he got back into the car.

"Good evening " I approached him.

He looked me through the car mirror and smiled sweetly. "Good evening, ma'am. I hope you're comfortable in this car " he said politely.

"It's more than comfortable. Don't worry " I smiled and he nodded. Then, we started our journey. I heard that he's living at Seoul city. It's near with my workplace so it's easy for me to go work.

I looked out the window to enjoy the city view while waiting for the moment we arrive.

25 minutes later

The uncle turned his head back and looked at me. "We're here already, Miss " he said and I looked out the window. We arrived at a big house.

I was amazed when I saw a small garden at the side. It's literally my dream house too. Wow, I got a rich future husband? Unbelievable.

"Can we get in now? " The uncle asked as he done taking out my luggage. I looked at him and blinked. I was too amazed by the stunning surrounding. I nodded and slowly got out from the car.

I scanned the whole area and looked at the car pouch. There, I saw a shining black Range Rover. It looks so classy and expensive. I ride a fcking Mercedes Benz the whole journey here and now, I'm seeing another luxury car.

Does he plants money or what?

I turned back to the uncle who was struggling with my heavy luggage and asked "Is Jimin home? "

He set down my bag and shook his head. "Not yet, he'll be home at 6 p.m. " he answered. I glanced at my watch and it said 1.35 p.m.

So I still had a few hours to pack out my stuffs. I smiled and went to the old man. "It's okay, let me handle my things " I said and he seemed a bit surprised.

"You want to carry it by yourself? " he asked. "Yeap, why do you look shocked? " I asked. "You're a girl, young lady. And Sir Park pays me to do this job. I can't let you do my work " he said but his face said otherwise. I can see he was tired. It's cruel if I let him carry my heavy luggage.

I shook my head, "No. Let me do it. And I'm not asking for your permission. " I said as I carried my luggage into the house. He sighed and just watched me carrying the luggage.

"Where's my room? " I asked, trying to hide my heavy breathe. I didn't want him to know that I was already tired of carrying the luggage.

"Your room is on the second floor and it has a red sticker on the door. You can take the sticker off if you want " he answered before going to the kitchen. I nodded and started the hardest work, which is pulling my big luggage on the stairs.

I hope that Jimin guy won't come home early and see me in this situation. He'll definitely cancel our wedding if he sees me like this.

Park Jimin

5.40 p.m.

I glanced at my watch and know that it was almost 6 p.m.. I took my black blazer that was hung up beside me and walked out from my office. I never go home early like this. Usually I'll head back home when it's 6 p.m. sharp. But today, I broke the rules.

All the workers stood up and bowed to me. "Goodbye, Sir " they said and exchanged a weird looks with each other.

"What's wrong? He never go home this early" I heard one of my staff whispered but I just ignored it. I looked at my manager and said "Make sure you've done all the tasks I gave you. I want to rest "

He nodded his head and bowed. "Have a safe ride home, Sir. " he said.


My driver, Uncle Seon opened the door. I looked into his eyes and looked down at the floor. There, I saw a pair of black heels.

I looked back at Uncle Seon and asked "Where's her? "

"She's in her room, Sir. Do you want me to call her? " he asked with tired eyes. Maybe he was exhausted.

I shook my head and handed him my blazer. "It's okay, just let her in her room. I want to take a bath. You can go rest now " I said and he nodded.

"Thank you, Sir " he said and walked away.

Maybe I can greet that girl tomorrow. But it's if I'm in the mood.


to be continued!

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