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“I'm still hoping for someone to actually love me. By who I am, and accept all my flaws ”

 By who I am, and accept all my flaws ”

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1.27 a.m.

"Omg " Aera gasped as she looked at the clock. She was damn worried because Jimin wasn't home yet. He went out this evening and didn't come home after that. "Is he fine? Or did he lost? " she asked while walking around the living room.

"Ugh, why he's not answering my calls?! " Aera groaned as she threw her phone on the couch.

"Jimin, where are you? " Aera sighed as she sat on the chair near her. She looked out the window and still, there was no sign of Jimin to come back. Aera actually didn't know why she felt so worried about Jimin. She felt like dying inside when she didn't see him.

With a heavy breathing, she held her chest and closed her eyes. "Why I'm feeling like this? I never felt like this. Even when my parents aren't home, I won't feel like what I'm feeling right now. " she said.

Suddenly, it started raining heavily outside. It make Aera more worried. What make it even more worse was, Uncle Seon wasn't home too. He had to attend something that Jimin told him to. But Aera didn't know what and where was the course he needed to attend.

She tried to dial Jimin's number one last time but still, failed. She sighed deeply and flinched at the thunderstorm sounds. She closed her eyes and prayed for Jimin's safety.

2.45 a.m.

Aera was awaken by the car sound. She opened her eyes and hurriedly went to the main door. She opened the door and looked at the unfamiliar car. "It's not Jimin's car " she mumbled.

Then, a tall figure got out from the car. "Who are you? " Aera yelled since it was still raining. Jungkook stopped and turned to Aera. "I'm Jimin's friend! He's drunk and I help to bring him home " he yelled back as he opened the passenger door.

Aera looked into the car and gasped when she saw Jimin. He looked terrible and wet. "What happened to him?! " Aera yelled as she wore her sandals. Then, she ran towards Jungkook's car. Jungkook didn't park his car under the car porch. So they were automatically wet since it was raining.

Aera took an umbrella behind the flower vase and went to Jimin. "Can you carry him?" Aera asked, looking at Jimin who was totally collapsed.

"Yes but um, I need to do something to make he wake up a bit " Jungkook scratched his head. "Something like what? " Aera asked, didn't know about what Jungkook tried to say.

"It's kind of harsh. So can you turn around? I don't want you to watch it because it may humiliates him " Jungkook said awkwardly. Without thinking any further, Aera agreed and turned back. She closed her eyes and suddenly, she heard a slapping sounds.

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