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It was a nice noon so Aera decided to take some fresh air at Jimin's small garden. She wore her new slippers set and walked there.

Then, she saw Uncle Seon was watering the plants. She grinned and approached him. "Hye, Uncle " she smiled as she sat on a bench.

Uncle Seon looked at her and smiled back. Since Aera stayed in Jimin's house, Uncle Seon can finally talk to someone. "Hye Miss Aera. What are you doing here? " he asked.

"I just want to sip some fresh air here. Besides, I never came here before " she answered while looking at her surroundings. The small garden was so fresh and breath taking.

After all, she actually enjoyed staying at Jimin's house. She was treated very well by Uncle Seon, gardener and maids but the problem was Jimin.

She had no idea why it was so hard for him to be nice to her. She had do everything she can to earn his trust and love but it looked like nothing worked.

She thinks Jimin isn't just cold hearted but he's also a hard hearted person. He's so difficult to talk to.

While Aera was busy with her thoughts, she noticed that someone was looking at her through the window. It was Jimin.

When she confirmed that the person was Jimin, she smiled and waved to him. But instead of waving at Aera back, Jimin looked away and closed his curtain.

Aera already knew that he would react like that. But it somehow dissapointed her. She really hope that one day, Jimin will be nice to her. At least for once.

Jimin POV

I don't know why today was so cold. It make me freeze to death. I can't even feel my palm.

I walked to the mirror and looked at myself. Terrible af. My nose was red caused by the sneezing for non stop and my eyes were swollen.

No one can describe how much I hate fever.

I went downstairs to ask my new maid to make a cup of hot coffee for me. I searched for her at the living room but she wasn't there so I went to the kitchen.

I heard some noise from the kitchen so I think it was her. But when I stepped into the kitchen, I saw Aera. She was stirring up a drink. Probably hot chocolate because I can smell it.

I sniffled, "Where's my maid? " I asked, stealing her attention. She stopped stirring her drink and looked at me. "Ouh, Jimin.. I didn't notice you were there " she said.

"Mrs Song isn't here. She went out with Uncle Seon to buy some groceries and drinks. She wanted to tell you but you were in the bathroom so she just go " she answered

I nodded at her answer and was about to walk away but she stopped me.

"Jimin, you look sick. Are you okay? " she asked as I can hear she was walking towards me. She stopped her steps in front of me and looked at my face.

"Your lips are pale and your eyes are weak. Did you catch a fever? " she asked and put her palm on my forehead right away.

Her soft, cold hand touched my forehead and she gasped. "Omg, you've a hot fever " she stated in shocked.

"How can you didn't tell me? You shouldn't be in the kitchen! " she said but it seemed like she was mad. Without wasting any second, she held my wrist and brought me to the living room.

She make me sit on the couch and asked me to wait while she takes something at the kitchen.

Few minutes later, she came back with a glass of water, pill and a wet cloth. She sat beside me and asked me to open my mouth.

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