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—You lied, they said

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You lied, they said.

SWEATING SO BADLY, Jimin found himself was already in the house, looking side to side just to find the only figure he wanted to meet; Kim Aera. His heart was pounding fast as he could feel the blood was pumped by his heart very fast. He could hear his heart beats.

Desperately, he rushed to upstairs where he thinks he could find both Uncle Seon and Mrs Song. Both of them were in Aera's bedroom. With his short breath, he asked the old man who had his face pale. "Where's Aera? Where did she go? " his breathing was unstable.

The old man seemed weak as he didn't know how to explain the situation to the boy in front of him. He was afraid his words would break him.

Jimin turned to Mrs Song. "Why he's not talking? Tell me what's happening! " he raised his voice higher to gesture them to tell him what was going on. But both of them didn't have the heart to speak to him.

Jimin groaned and kneeled down to the floor. "I said please tell me where did she go! Is it that hard?! " he slammed the floor hardly. He was that desperate— no. He was full with fear. Fear of losing Aera.

Tears began to roll down his eyes as he felt the darkness that used to hunt him came back to embrace his soul. "Tell me where she is! " he yelled, forcing Uncle Seon to tell him.

"She left the house! " he yelled a bit, his heart couldn't take the fact that Jimin cried. He can't bear seeing the boy he raised cried in front of him. It hurts his feelings.

"She left you, and us. She left " Uncle Seon kept repeating the same word as he didn't know the other way to make Jimin understand that Aera had left.

Jimin shook his head, it was hard for him to accept the words that Aera left him. "It can't be. She promised she won't leave me. You're not telling me the truth—" his heart broke little by little till to a million pieces. Seeing her empty wardrobe, he knows that she had really left. But he couldn't believe it even he had seen it by his own eyes.

"Please tell me you're lying. Tell me this isn't true " he still stood on his knees.

Unfortunately, Uncle Seon had to shake his head, telling him that he was saying the truth and it wasn't a lie. Aera really left the house.

"What's the problem? She was fine with me last night— we didn't even argue. Why she's doing this to me? She— hurts me " Jimin cried his heart out as Uncle Seon bend down to him and patted his back. He knows he was hurting and it had been awhile since he cried. But today, he broke his own rules which is not to cry even that thing hurts a lot.

Everything about him had fallen apart. He felt heavy and disappointed and what he knows is, the darkness in his life will come back to scare him. Because he had lost his love.

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