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Kim Aera

After packing all the sandwiches into the container, I put it into a plastic bag. Then, I rushed to my car when I noticed that I was late.

"I hope my boss won't notice that I'm late " I mumbled and started the engine.

25 minutes later, I reached my office. I was so clumsy since I was in rush. I didn't want to destroy my record. I never come late to office.

I pushed the lift button and waited for it to open. Once the lift was opened, I saw a familiar figure. He's my boss's little brother, Kim Taehyung.

His face lightened up when he saw me. He's a friendly person so he'll greet anyone he meets. But we're friends since the first day I got into work so I'm not awkward around him. He's so different compared to Jimin.

"Morning, Aera-ya " he smiled brightly.

I stepped into the lift and smiled back. "Morning too, Taehyung-ah " I said as I stood beside him.

"You're going to the fifth floor, right? " he asked and helped me to press the button. "Thank you " I thanked him.

"Welcome " he smiled as his eyes slowly moved to the plastic bag I was holding. "What's that? " he asked.

"Ouh, I bring some sandwiches. I made too much today so I think the others can help me to finish it " I answered as his eyed grew wide. He seemed like having interest on my sandwiches.

"Can I have some? " he asked.

"Sure, why not " I giggled.

He glanced at his watch and said "Can you keep a few pieces for me? Because I have to attend a meeting after this "

I shrugged, "Alright, no prob "

"Make sure you keep the biggest one for me" he winked and walked out from the lift. "Sure" I giggled.

"Aera-ya " my mom called my name once I accepted the call. "Mom " I smiled as I felt a relief feelings.

My mom's voice really make me feels warm and safe. "How are you doing with Jimin? Is everything okay? "she asked and looked down at my hands. I can't tell her the truth. She'll be sad.

"Yeah, we're doing well. Don't worry. I'm fine" I said and I heard she sighed in relief. "I'm glad you're fine with him. I know he's a good guy " she claimed.

I wish he's really a good man.

"Mom, I think I need to go work back. I'll call you later, okay? Send my regards to dad. Say that I miss him a lot " I said

"Alright then. Tell me if you need anything okay? Bye " she said and I ended the call. I looked down at my phone and imagine how my parents would be if I tell them the truth.

But I can't give up.

For my parents sake, I'm willing to get married with that beast. Yes, he's a cold hearted person. But I'm confident that I can make him fall for me. I wish so.


Today, Aera had to work overtime so Jimin reached home before her.

"Welcome home, Sir " Uncle Seon welcomed him at the front door. Jimin looked at the car porch and asked "She's not home yet? "

"Yes, she needs to work till late night today " he answered.

"Okay " Jimin said and walked into the house.

"Do you want me to pick her up, Sir? Because it's dangerous to let her go home alone at midnight " Uncle Seon asked. That's true, Aera is a girl so she can't go home alone.

Jimin stopped and said "Do whatever you want, I don't mind. But make sure she comes home "

"Alright Sir "

While waiting for Aera to come home, Uncle Seon went to living room and served the dinner for Jimin.

Even he always have his dinner with Aera, but her absence didn't give any effect on him. He just still acted normal. Yet, it didn't surprise Uncle Seon. Because he knows Jimin very well. He can live without love. But even though he acts like that, Uncle Seon still loves him.

He don't have any child since his beloved wife passed away in a young age. He was extremely sad. But he determined to continue his life normally since he still have Jimin. He loves Jimin like his own son.

Even he knows Jimin won't feel the same, but he still loves him. He has been working with the Park family for more than 30 years. Even before Jimin was born.

That's why he loves Jimin so much. He's the one who always be with Jimin. He doesn't care if Jimin can't see his love. Because what's important is, he can always be by his side. He's the only person who watched Jimin grown up.

But what breaks his heart was, Jimin never receive the love he deserves from his dad. He always neglected him over his works.

"Do you enjoy the food, Sir? " He asked to avoid himself from sobbing. He looked at the figure in front him who was eating. Then, he looked down at his feet.

"Yeah, it tastes good " Jimin answered while taking another bite.

"I'm glad you love it. Besides, Miss Aera was the one who made it for you. " Uncle Seon said, making Jimin choked a bit. "When did she cook this? Aren't she needs to work overtime today? " Jimin asked.

"Yeah, she cooked it this morning and leave it in the fridge. She asked me to reheat it when you're home " Uncle Seon answered and Jimin nodded. Then, he continued eating in silence.

When he was done with his dinner, he stood up and looked at Uncle Seon.

"Next time, please tell her don't waste her time just for me. I don't need her sympathy " he said and walked away.



“I don't need your sympathy ” - pjm WORLD 2019

“I don't need your sympathy ” - pjm WORLD 2019

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