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After having a small argument with Jimin, Aera went straight to home. She was very angry at him.

"He definitely has no respect for his dad. He should be grateful. At least he still has a dad " she nagged alone.

Her heart was still on fire. For her, he shouldn't acted like that to his dad. Because the man he yelled at was his dad. The man who brought him onto the world!

Yes, he may said that he hates living in this world. But at least, be grateful for still having a dad.

There are lots of orphans who wish to have a parents.

With a sigh, she put all her things down and take a seat. She wanted to relax her mind and find some peace.

"Maybe I was overreacted " she mumbled as she started to remember all the things Uncle Seon told her about Jimin.

"His dad neglected him. He got lack of love. Maybe that's why he acts like that to his dad. " she sighed.

"His dad shouldn't neglected him. He was an innocent kid who just wanted his dad's attention. " she started to feeling guilty.

"It wasn't his fault, but his dad " she sobbed. She didn't know why she always gets so emotional when it comes to Jimin.

Knowing that he lived in a loveless family, it makes her sad even more. "He should not had to live in that life. He deserves loves. "

Sympathy. It was what she felt for Jimin. Because she knows that Jimin won't be so cold like this if he received the love he deserves.

As she thinks about it, she can feel that her head started aching. There was something her brain tried to recall. But it took some time.

And it hurts a lot.

She held her head with both of her hands and shut her mouth. It was so hurt that she can't even utter a word.

Her head had been aching for the past few days. But this time, it hurts a lot. But without she knowing, her brain was trying to remember something.

Something that she never knows.

There, she saw a girl with a cute pigtails hair. She was comforting a boy who was crying. The boy was crying hardly. And he looked so sad—

"Aarghh!! " she winced as the pain started getting worse. She fell on the floor, her face was getting red.

"You can't leave me " the boy said to the girl with a watery eyes. He was crying, begging to the girl to not leaving him.

"Kim Aera "

Jimin came into the room and found Aera was struggling with pain. He gasped at his sight and and helped her.

"Kim Aera " he said and Aera looked at him with small eyes. Her vision got a bit blurry due to the headache.

She held his shoulder and stood up. Then, he helped her to sit on the bed. She then took a moment to catch her breath and relaxed for a few minutes.

After she finds that she was okay, she turned to Jimin who was sitting beside her. She just looked at him without saying anything.

She saw his mouth were moving. But she didn't hear anything.

"Kim Aera. I'm talking to you " she finally got her hearing back. She shook her head and tried to focus on Jimin. "Yes? What did you say? " she asked.

Jimin sighed, "I asked you. What happened? " he asked.

"Oh "

"I don't know, maybe because I was tired " Aera answered with a small smile on her pale face. She didn't want to look sick or weak.

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