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Park Jimin

I got a phone call from Aera saying that she was at the hospital. I was absolutely shocked when she told me that. I thought she was sick or had a problem so I rushed to the hospital as fast as I could.

I reached the hospital a few minutes after I got the phone call. There was a lot of people here and I could barely walk. I groaned in frustration and pushed them away. It was too crowded that I felt dizzy a bit. I'm not used to breathe in a crowded place.

I made my way to the lift and went to the level she told me. Once I reached level 3, I got out from the lift and desperately searched for her figure. I turned my head to the left and finally saw her who was sitting on the chair.

A relief smile crept on my face and I ran to her. I thought it was only her there. But I was wrong. She wasn't the one who's sick. She came to the hospital for Taehyung. My smile slowly fading as I looked at Taehyung who was laying on the bed, unconscious.

I was confused. What was happening here?

"Aera " I touched her shoulder and finally looked up at me with a worried look. "What are you doing here? " I asked.

"Taehyung. He fainted " she said, her face saddened. I furrowed my eyebrows as I was confused. Why did she needs to be sad? It's just Taehyung. Not me.

I was hit by various of feelings. I was mad, angry and upset at the same time. I was mad because she was sad for him. Why should she be sad? Does she loves him?

But I can't show that I was mad. She will think that I'm childish for not understanding the situation. A deep sigh was heaved by me as I went closer to Taehyung's bed. He really looked sick and tired. "Why'd he faint? Did something happened? " I asked.

"I don't know— I went to cafe with him this noon and he suddenly fainted. " she answered. So she wasn't home because she went out to meet Taehyung. Oh.

I sighed. "Don't worry. I'll call his family to take care of him. We can just go home. They'll come here in a few minutes " I said and she turned to me. "Do we need to leave him alone? In this condition? " she asked in such a pitiful voice. Quietly, I rolled my eyes.

"Do you want to meet Taemin? Your ex boss who fired you? " I scoffed and waited for her to get up and leave with me. As expected, she heaved a sigh and nodded her head slowly. "You're right. I can't meet him. " she mumbled and followed me to the car park.

Kim Aera

Jimin started the car engine and looked at me who was staring deep outside. He turned to the steering and sighed. "What is bothering? Are you still thinking about Taehyung? " he asked, his expression changed. He seemed a bit upset.

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