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Kim Aera

"I hate sharing something that belongs to me "

What he said yesterday kept replaying in my mind since last night. If he didn't care about me, that why did he says that? He's making me confused for no reason.

I threw myself on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. "Did he mad because I went out with Taehyung? But he'll be mad if he's only love me. And I don't think that he loves me " I sighed.

Maybe it's just because he hates sharing. I'm his future wife and he didn't want I go out with another guy. But if he didn't want me to do so, he should treat me like he should!

Not neglecting me and act coldly towards me.

I kept thinking and thinking that I fell asleep.


"Do you want anything else, Sir? " Jimin's manager asked while looking at Jimin. He was so busy typing on the keyboard.

Seeing Jimin didn't respond to his question, he claimed that he didn't need anything. He bowed politely, "I'll leave for now. Thank you Sir " he said and turned around.

"Wait " Jimin stopped him from walking any further. His manager stood still on his spot and turned back to Jimin. "Yes, Sir? " he asked, waiting for his boss to talk.

"I need your favour " Jimin spoke

"Sure, Sir. What is it? " his manager asked with a small smile on his face. Jimin opened his desk and took out a big file. He went through the file carefully and took a piece of paper. He put the paper on the table and looked at his manager.

"I want you to find out about her " he said and his manager took the paper. He spent a pretty minute to analyze the picture that was on the paper. He looked back at Jimin, "Isn't she's your future wife, Sir? " his manager asked, thinking that Jimin gave him the wrong picture.

Jimin raised his right eyebrow and asked "Why? What's wrong? ".

His manager shook his head "Nothing, Sir. I'll do as you wish " he said. Jimin nodded hearing his answer. "I want you to find out about her past and tell me when you have figured it out. " he said

"Alright Sir. Just leave it on me " His manager said before walking out from Jimin's office.

He looked away and stared out the window. "Kim Aera " he said while trying to remember something.

"Her necklace, the way she treats everyone.. Why do I think that I had meet her before? " he asked himself while trying hard to remember. But unfortunately, he can't remember anything. He groaned and clenched his fist.

"Who are you, Kim Aera? "

Kim Aera

"Ms Aera " I heard Uncle Seon called my name while knocking the door. I closed my laptop and went to open the door for him. "Yes? " I asked

He looked at his watch and said "It's time for dinner. Sir is already at the dining room". I glanced at my wall watch and choked when I realized it was already 8 p.m.

"Omg, time flies so fast. I didn't even notice it's already this late " I sighed and Uncle Seon chuckled. "It's okay, besides Sir just got back from office. " he said.

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