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AFTER SPENDING the whole 3 hours designing, she finally done. She was finally satisfied with her own gown that was designed by her. Looking at those elegant decorations that was put on the gown, she grinned in satisfaction.

"It's done! " she gave herself a clap and blew the paper softly. She knows that she needed to show this to Jimin because she wanted him to give his opinion on her work. Plus, she was so excited to hear what he thinks about her designs.

"He needs to love it as much as I love it " she said to herself and woke up from her seat. She couldn't deny that her back was hurt since she sat on the desk for 3 hours. Non stop without any rest. She was trained to be committed to her works. She won't ever leave her design unfinished. At least, if she was too tired, she'll make another sketch of her ideas. So that she will still remember what she needs to do.

She pushed the back of her waist with both her hands to the front. Doing a body stretch out would somehow helps her to feel better.

Then, she took her sketchbook and excitedly went to Jimin's room, forgetting the fact that her body was still tired and exhausted from working for non stop. But, nothing could beat the her excitement. Everyone will get stronger when they're excited.

She walked to the room that was located just beside hers and opened the door without knocking. She was just excited that she didn't even think of knocking the door before entering.

As she stepped into Jimin's room, her eyes went wild to search for the figure she wanted to meet; Jimin. She turned to the left and right but there was no sign of him. She thought he wasn't in his room and was about to walk out. But not when her eyes spotted a man's shadow at the balcony. She was confident that the shadow was Jimin's.

Shrugging her shoulders, she made her way to the balcony. As usual, she'll be peeking on him first before approaching him. She didn't want to distract him if he was doing his works. Because Uncle Seon once tell her that Jimin hates distractions while doing work.

Her eyes were secretly looking at what he was doing. Then, her eyes grew wide in admiration.

His veiny hands were a bit painty as he moved the brush up and down. Jimin was having some privacy time to paint. Aera could tell that he just started drawing a few minutes ago since the paper still had many spaces on it.

Gently, he put a black paint on his brush and brushed it against the thick paper. His hands were moving naturally as he was thinking about something. Aera was confused because all the colors he used to paint the painting were all dark. There was no bright colors on his painting plate.

But she didn't questioning it because she knows that Jimin loves dark more than bright. She can see it by herself when she gets into his room. Almost all things in the room were black and grey. It was his character after all. She has no right to change him. She wants him to be himself and do anything he wants. There's nothing could block him.

Her heart started to feel like wanting to see his painting. But she knows he would stop drawing if she interrupts him so she decided to stay quiet and watched him from his bed. Her head turned to the right and saw his desk which she found it was the perfect place to keep her gown sketch. She put her sketchbook on the desk and comfortably sit on Jimin's bed while waiting for him to finish painting.

A moment later-

Aera didn't realize that she had fallen asleep while waiting Jimin to finish his painting. Maybe she was fatigued so she fell asleep so easily.

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