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I GOT BACK from cemetery and rested myself on the couch. The words that the old man said to me was still lingering in my ears.

Be kind.

That's the key to be remembered even when you're not around. Maybe I should had practice it a long time ago.

I heaved a sigh and rubbed my face with both my hands gently. Aera was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she was still asleep.

I think I should go upstairs and cuddle a little bit more with her. It would be great. So, without wasting any time, I got up from the couch and slowly walked to my room since she slept in my room last night.

I wasn't thinking about anything when I was walking. Until I remembered about the mysterious wound on my left arm. I stopped and pulled up my sleeve to see if the wound was still there.

Surprisingly, it disappeared. I didn't see anything on my arm. There was nothing. Where did it go?

I had been questioning myself. How can a wound disappeared just like that? Is it even possible? I don't know.

Relieving a deep sigh, I walked past my room and got into Aera's room instead. I planned to cuddle with her but I didn't know why I suddenly felt like checking her room. I barely visit her room so why don't I do it now, right?

My hand made its way to the doorknob and opened it. Once the door was opened, the sunlight flashed on my face brightly. Why do her room was so bright? Unlike my room that was covered with thick curtains.

Casually, I walked into her room and sat on her bed. The bed was big but not as big as mine. Maybe it was one of the reasons why she loves to sleep in my room. I think I need to get her a new bed. So that she'll get more comfortable.

Then, I turned my head to the front and I saw my painting was hung on her wall. I gave her the painting because she admired it so much. I don't what's so special about it but she seemed like loving it so much. It was only a picture of a boy holding a red rose. Nothing much to impress.

"Jimin " a girl voice suddenly called my name and I turned to the right, where the voice came.

"Aera " I smiled at her.

"What are you doing here? I thought I was cuddling with you. Instead, I hugged the pillow " she rolled her eyes to show that she was mad. I let out a small chuckle and patted the bed. "Here, sit with me. " I said and she just nodded.

"Why? " she asked after sitting beside me. Looking at her morning face, making my heart fluttered. "Did I ever tell you that you look so cute before? " I asked, still had my eyes on her.

Getting awkward by what I said, she turned away. "Why'd you say that out of the blue? " she asked shyly.

"Because you're really cute. " I said gently as I took her head and put it on my shoulder. Wrapping my arms around her, I pulled her closer. She giggled softly and snuggled on my chest. "Why are you being such a sweet talker right now, hm? " she asked.

"I'm not, Aera. I'm just telling you the truth. You're really cute. For real. " I said. Why it was so hard for her to just accept the fact?

"You're talking nonsense " she still denied the thing I said to her. "Btw, what were you doing in my room? " she changed the topic. I stopped caressing her hair and looked down. "I was looking at the painting I gave you. I can't believe that you hung it up on your wall. You make me feel special " I smiled.

She suddenly frowned and pulled herself off from me. Then, she crossed her arms. "What are you saying? You are special. Even without me, you're still special. Everyone thinks you're special. It's just you who think you are not. So, please stop thinking nonsense. I don't like it " she stated seriously.

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