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“She was attracted to everything dark, maybe that's why she fell in love with his soul ”

“She was attracted to everything dark, maybe that's why she fell in love with his soul ”

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Kim Aera

I looked down at my necklace and held it tightly in my palm. I noticed that Jimin kept looking at my necklace. At first, I thought he was looking at my chest but I know I was wrong.

Everytime he looked at this necklace, his eyes grew big and got darker. He's making me suspicious about my necklace. Does it reminds him of something?

Something nice or a tragedy? I couldn't tell it because I didn't know it. But, why can't I remember where did I get this necklace? I didn't remember when did my mom gave it to me. I'm confident that my parents didn't give this necklace to me.

Then, who gave this to me? Why I can't remember anything?

There were a lot of things playing in my mind. I stared at the necklace and forced myself to remember.

"Please, please. I need to know how I got this necklace. " I mumbled to myself. I tried my best to remember anything about the necklace. But instead of recalling the memory about the necklace, an image of a boy holding a red rose popped up in my mind.

I saw the boy was running towards me with a big smile on his face. But I can only see his smile. My mind failed to see his whole face. The image was too blur and I got back to the reality. My head felt heavy and dizzy after that.

I held my head and massage it slowly. "Who was that boy? Why he came into my memory? " I asked, trying to remember again but failed.

"Maybe it was only my imagination. " I said, trying to console myself. But deep inside, I was still curious and thinking about the boy.


Today, Jungkook decided to visit Jimin at his house since they hadn't meet for two weeks now.

"Jimin. Open the door, I'm here " he yelled while ringing the bell. He waited for a few minutes and the door finally opened. "What are you doing here? " Jimin asked once he looked at Jungkook.

Jungkook sighed, "That's not how you greet you guest. At least say hi and invite me in. " he scoffed.

"No, you can't go in. " Jimin said straight to the point. Jungkook was surprised by his answer. "Wow, I drove all the way from my office and this is how you treat me? You're so unbelievable " Jungkook shook his head.

"Wait here " Jimin said as he took his car key on the table. He went back to Jungkook and said "Let's go somewhere else. ". He walked to his car and waited for Jungkook to follow him.

"I planned to spend my time at your house but now you're asking me out. So whatever " he rolled his eyes and got into Jimin's car.

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