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Nightmare, again.

Park Jimin

I sighed.

Looking straight at the old man in front me, I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "We haven't meet for years. Why you suddenly decided to see me? Did your sons dead? " I scoffed in disguise.

He was pissed off when I mentioned his sons. But he couldn't do anything except staying quiet. Maybe he needed something from me.

"Jimin " he said my name.

I turned to him and set my pen down on my desk and stood up. "Don't call me by my name. You have no rights " I stated and walked a few steps closer to him. Nervously, he looked up at me with desperate eyes. They looked so desperate.

"I knew it already. You want to ask for a help from me, right? " I asked but at the same time, I didn't even want to know about his problems.

He stopped but his eyes were wilding. He looked like he was going to do something but he was doubting about his decisions. Didn't want to waste my time, I looked at my watch and said "I've meeting to attend after this. You better hurry or I'll call the guards to drag you out from here. " I demanded in a stern tone.

He gasped and shook his head. "No. Please, I need your help " he said. His crinkled face seemed worried. I raised an eyebrow and asked "What is it? "

He gulped and rubbed his arm. "I come here for my son, Taehyung. " he told me his reason.

Feeling uninterested after hearing his name, I rolled my eyes. "Why? What's wrong with him? Isn't he's still at the hospital? " I asked with my hands inside my pockets.

"No. He's home but.. " he stopped.

"Then what's the problem? Isn't it's good enough that he's home? Just take care of him. " I said.

"No. Doesn't mean he's home, he's getting well. He never gets any better. Instead, he gets even worse " the old man said and I turned to look at him again. I saw fear in his eyes. His heart was seeking for help. He was afraid to lose his son.

"What do you mean he's getting worse? " I asked.

He sighed, trying to find a way on how to explain his condition to me. "I don't know how to say it. But, he's fighting for his life now. He's dying on the bed. Lifeless. " his heart broke when he said the last word.

"Then why you come here? I can do nothing to help him. Find anyone else " I said and walked to the side of my office. There, I looked at my picture and Aera's that was hung up on the wall. But then, I looked back at him after I heard a sniffling sound.

"But the girl in the picture can help to give him his life back. Please, let the girl go to him. " the old man begged me to give Aera to his son. I shook my head in disbelief, "Are you serious? Do you think she's a toy to hand over like that? She's a human with heart. Besides, she's mine so I'll never give her to anyone. Never. Mark my words " I warned him.

"But Taehyung loves her. He's also a human who has heart. When you weren't around, Taehyung was the one who took care of her. You once gave her to my son " he said which make my heart burns.

"I never gave her to anyone! I left her for her own goods. I went somewhere to heal myself after the incident and now, I came back to protect her. Stop talking like you know everything. " I growled.

Tears started falling down from his eyes. He knew that I'll never grant his impossible wish. He wanted me to give Aera to Taehyung. No way.

He walked towards me and kneeled down. Then, he put his head on my feet.

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