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Tomorrow morning

It was already 10 a.m. and Jimin finally opened his eyes. He stared at the ceiling for a few minutes and closed his eyes back. He held his head because he felt a very sharp pain.

"Why do my head hurts a lot? " he winced

His hand started travelling the bed to find his phone. But suddenly, he touched something soft but hard. He turned his head to his left and he saw a tall shirtless man was sleeping beside him. He was surprised at first but when he realized that it was Jungkook, he calmed down.

Jungkook only had his jeans on and he didn't wear any shirt.

"What he's doing in my room? " he asked as he tried to remember what happened last night.

"Why can't I remember anything? " he groaned as he ruffled his hair roughly. He looked at the clock and frowned. "I'm late to work already! " he hissed and tried to stand up.

But he ended up falling on the floor because his head was too hurt. "Why it's so hurt?! " he groaned while holding his head. Then, he heard footsteps were coming towards him. He looked up at the person and found that it was Aera.

"Jimin " she gasped as she helped him to get up. When he's finally sat on the chair, Jimin felt that his pain on the head was slowly healing.

"What are you doing here? " Jimin asked but still holding his head.

Aera looked at the bowl on the table and said "I asked Mrs Song to cook you a soup. I was passing by to see if you're awake but then I heard something fell ".

Jimin looked at the bowl on the table and turned back to Aera. "You can go out now " Jimin said and Aera nodded.

Suddenly, they heard a yawning sound. Both of them turned their head to where the sound came. It was Jungkook who just woke up from his deep sleep. "Oh, Aera-ya. I didn't notice you were there " he said while squinting his eyes.

Jimin looked at Jungkook's shirtless body and turned back to Aera. "What are you staring at? Just walk out already " Jimin said.

Aera blushed a bit and rushed out from his room. Jungkook who had no idea about what was going on just looked at Jimin and shrugged. "Why'd you ask her to walk out? " he asked.

"Do you want her to stare at your bare body?" Jimin scoffed while rolling his eyes. Jungkook looked down at his body and covered it with his arms. "But I think you were the one who stares at me " he chuckled and walked to the bathroom.

While waiting for Jungkook to finish showering, Jimin took the soup and eat it. The soup really helped him to feel more fresh and warm.

Jimin and Jungkook went downstairs when they're done. "Let's go to the dining room! I'm starving so much " Jungkook giggled as he ran by himself.

Everyone knows that Jimin and Jungkook have such different personalities. Jimin is cold and doesn't talk much meanwhile Jungkook, he's a talkative and happy go lucky. But no one knows how they can be best friends. They don't even match each other.

Jimin just watched Jungkook running away and followed him from behind. They reached the dining table and sat on their seats. "How was your soup? " Aera asked as she appeared from the kitchen.

Jimin nodded his head, showing that the soup was good. "I make some sandwiches, do you want some? " Aera asked

"I want! " Jungkook said excitedly which make Jimin glared at him. "Aren't you supposed to go work today? " Jimin asked.

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