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His sacrifice

—take care of her, for me

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take care of her, for me.

please listen to this while reading, thankyou.

SHE FELL ON THE FLOOR and opened her eyes to see what made she fell. She thought she was going to get taken by the demon who wanted her as a replace of Jimin.

It wanted true love. She has true love and she was ready to give her life, her soul and her love just to made sure Jimin could live a better life after this.

Even she knows he would be sad after she's gone, but at least he could start loving without any interfere.

But now, why she was on the floor? She was supposed to be at the middle of the rooftop so that the demon could take her.

Did something happen? Or— someone wanted to replace her? Scared that it was Jimin who pushed her away, she looked at the person who was standing on the middle of the circle.

Her sight was a bit blurry but then it went back to normal. Enlarging her both eyes, she looked at the tall figure on the middle of the circle.

At the first glance, she thought it was Jimin. But when she looked carefully, she realized that the person who was standing in the circle was— Taehyung.

Kim Taehyung.

"Taehyung?! " everyone gasped.

Everyone was totally shocked of what they were seeing. At the moment, no one could even utter a word.

Even the old man was confused by what was happening. The old man looked at Jungkook and asked, "Who's this guy? Why he's here? ".

As expected, Jungkook was surprised as well. He didn't know what was going on and had no idea on what to say to the old man who was asking him about Taehyung. He was speechless.

Aera blinked her eyes. "Taehyung? What are you doing— here? " she coughed due to the dusk that was flying around her. The wind was too strong.

Taehyung turned his head to look at Aera. The three men; Jungkook, Jimin and the old man was left speechless as they were only could stare at both of them.

"Aera, " Taehyung smiled. This time, his smile was sincere and soft. It was like his last smile. Soft and warm.

"Taehyung, " Aera tried to sat up as her eyes were glued on him. She was confused about what he was going to do.

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