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After they had their dinner, they decided to go home since it was already night. They walked to Jimin's car and got into it.

Jimin started the car and was about to drive away but he stopped when he noticed Aera was acting weird. He turned to her and spotted that she was frowning as if she was holding back pain.

His eyes lowered to where her feets were and noticed that they were swollen. It was caused by her heels.

He sighed, "Why you didn't tell me that your feets are hurt? I could take you back home." he said

Aera shook her head. "It's okay. It's not that hurt. Besides I didn't want to destroy our dinner date " she said

Jimin sighed at her answer, "We could go out another day. What's matter now is your legs. What if you can't walk? How will you go to work? " he asked while shaking his head.

"But you said your mood changes often. If we went back home, you might not want to go out the next day. That was what I worried about. Tonight is the only chance I have to spend time with you " she said, making Jimin feels guilty.

He closed his eyes and sighed. "Next time, you'd better tell me when you're hurt or I'll never take you out any more. " he said and started to drive home.

The following day, Aera was getting ready to get to work. She took 2 days off since she was sick so today she needed to attend to the office since she had a lot of works to finish.

She put on a lip gloss on her lips and made a little touch up for her hair. When she was already satisfied by how she looks, she made her way to downstairs.

As she walked down the stairs, she could smell a good aroma of the foods. Her tummy growled at how good the smell was and rushed to the living room. At the hallway, she spotted a nice sunflower was placed in the flower pot. It looked so good and beautiful.

She smiled and her sight and went to the living room where everyone was. "Good morning, Ms Aera " Uncle Seon greeted her as he helped to pull the seat for her. She gave him a bright smile and sat down.

"Thank you, Uncle " she said and turned to Jimin who was eating his breakfast seriously. Even he had no emotions on, Aera still finds it cute. Aera kept looking and stare at him since the past few days. It seemed like her love for him had grown up each day.

By his eyes side, Jimin knew that Aera was staring at him. He turned up his head and looked at her. "What? " he asked.

"Nothing " Aera grinned. She used to get nervous when she was caught while staring at him. But now, she knows how to manage it.

Jimin sighed at her answer and continued eating his breakfast.

When the clock hits 8, Jimin put his spoon down and said "I need to get going now. I have meetings today so I'll be home late " he said to Uncle Seon, somehow wanting Aera to hear it as well.

"Alright, Sir " Uncle Seon nodded and handed him his suit. In a few minutes, he was disappeared from her sight.

When Aera had finish her meal, she decided to go to work. "It's just 8.15 . You always go to work when it's 8.30. Isn't it quite early? " Uncle Seon asked.

"It's okay. I have many works at the office anyway. " Aera said and walked to the door. She took her heels and was about to wear it but she stopped when Uncle Seon called him.

"I'm sorry Miss. I almost forgot that Sir asked me to give you something " he said and he opened the shoes rack. He took out a big box and put it on the floor.

"Sir bought this for you " he said and Aera raised her brows in confuse. She took the box and opened it. It was a pair of heels but it seemed more comfortable than the one she used at the moment. She smiled at how pretty the heels was and wore it. It fits her feet perfectly.

Aera smiled at the thoughts that Jimin actually has a good taste. And she bet the heels costs so much.

"Do you like it, Ms? " Uncle Seon asked even he already know the answer.

"Yes. Of course! " Aera grinned widely. "Can't wait to show it off to my colleague " she joked around.


Aera entered the building she's working at with the brightest smile. She walked with her new heels and approached her colleagues with a smile.

Everything went well. But not until she reached her office level where she works. She heard a yelling sound as if they were mad or arguing. Aera slightly flinched when she heard a loud bang coming from Taehyung's office.

"What's going on here? " she mumbled to herself as she looked around, trying to figure out about what was going on. She saw a few people running around the office in panicked.

"Hey, what's happening there? " she asked one of her colleagues. The girl looked at her and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, but I heard Mr Taehyung is arguing with his brother " she answered, her lips was pale as she was shocked.

Aera gasped and looked at the office door. Taehyung argues with Taemin? she thought as she couldn't believe that they would argue that bad.

She put her handbag on her desk and went to the crowd to see what was happening. Everyone was very shocked knowing that the happy go lucky Taehyung could be that mad. I mean— he was so mad that he threw a table.

After a moment, Taehyung walked out from his brother's office with all messed up. Especially his hair.

"Stop there, Tae! " Taemin yelled very loudly but Taehyung chose to ignore him. "Don't you dare to call me your brother if you step out from this building! I'm giving you a last warning " Taemin said as he clenched his jaw but hoping that Taehyung would obey him this time. He didn't want to lose Taehyung either.

Taehyung stopped from walking any further and turned to his brother who was looking at him with a sharp look. He scoffed and rolled his eyes in madness. "I'm not a kid who used to be afraid of you. I'm a fucking adult so jerk off! " he shouted at him and walked out from the office, making Taemin gasped in disbelief.

He left the company. Not just the company, but he just ended their siblings relationship. He has threw his brother. Taemin kept staring at the door even Taehyung had left a few minutes ago. He didn't care about all the staff that was looking at him because he was completely pissed off. He couldn't believe Taehyung really left him.

He hissed, "If that's what you want, then it's fine! I will never treat you as my brother! " he said to himself and walked into his office, shutting the door closed.

Everyone in the office exchanged shocked looks to each other and started whispering. Aera didn't join the gossiping group. Instead, she was suspicious about what was happening between them two. There must be a reason.



Everything happens for a reason.

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