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PLEASE, PLEASE I can't take this anymore. Why can't I live freely? Why can't I love? Just why?

I want to be happy like other people do. Find their soulmate, get married and live happily. I want to do that, too.

Being happy is not a crime.

Then why can't I be happy?

Pfft, because you're different. Your soul is full with darkness. It's not a normal darkness, but the scariest one. It's full with monsters that hate the taste of the thing you've craving for; LOVE

Clean your soul before you start loving. Then, you should learn how to love—

Don't love if you don't know how. Your relationship won't last long. A small mistake could destroy all the efforts you put in. But getting love will make it worth.

Trust me. Believe me. Confident with me.

The only way to start loving other person is;

—loving yourself first

Park Jimin

I stood up in front of him with my head low. I was standing in front of him with full of embarrassment but I needed to do this. It was pretty hard for me but I shrugged all the negative thoughts and put my ego low.

He looked at me with a totally confused face and tucked his hands into his pockets. A heard he sighed. "Why are you here? " he asked as he poked his right cheek with his tongue, waiting for me to give him an answer.

I felt as if I will lost my pride if I continue doing this. I was doubting to myself, should I continue this? Will it worth?

With a heavy sigh, I closed my eyes and looked up at him. Clenching my jaw and have both my hands on the side, I began to speak.

"I come here to say— thank you. " I said, forcing myself to look as sincere as I could. I tried to hide all the coldness inside me so that he'll know that I was sincere. He looked at me fiercely as if he was trying to judge my thanks. It was so annoying but I just hold myself from bursting out my anger again.

His hand gently rubbed his bare chin and shrugged his shoulders. "Wow. I can't believe that you really said thanks to me. I should have record it if I knew you were going to thank me. It's super rare to hear you saying that holy word. The Park Jimin really said thank you to me. Woa " he said as if he was mocking me.

I glared at him. "I do this just because of Aera. If you weren't there to save her, she might meet her death now. You saved her life and that's why I come here, throwing away all my pride and standards just to thank you. I hope you'd accept it with an open heart " I said, scoffing at him slightly.

He smirked. "Just wanna let you know that I did that because of Aera. Not you " he rolled his eyes in full of arrogance. I gritted my teeth, trying to hold back all my anger.

I sighed. "I know you didn't do that for me and I never think that you'd do that for me. I just come here to thank you even you didn't do anything for me. That's all " I stated.

"But however " I added and he turned to me directly, wanting to hear what I was going to say.

"Even I've put my pride low because of you, doesn't mean you can do as you wish. We'll still remain as a rival . " I said

I saw that he was pissed off by my words but to look professional, he didn't do anything. He crossed his arms, "Glad to hear that. Who'd want to be your friends anyway?" he scoffed.

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