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Feelings ?

Kim Aera

I've been staying in my room for days. I only go out when I need for and go to work. I wanted to know if Jimin cares about me but it seemed like he didn't.

He just let me do what I want without asking whether I'm okay or not. Wow Jimin, wow.

I didn't know why I'm the only one who care about him. I care about him when he doesn't care about me. I felt so stupid. But I can't do anything. My little feelings kept telling me to care and concern about him. I can't stop the feelings.

It's so weird. I didn't know what happened to me that I'd feel damn worried everytime he does something crazy or come home late.

I heaved a deep sigh and lay on my bed. I missed my parents a lot but they're still on their business trip. I felt bored af right now.

Before I could go deeper with my thoughts, I suddenly got a text from someone. I opened my eyes and took my phone on the desk.

sent 11.05 a.m.
Hey, are you awake?

sent 11.07 a.m.
Yes I am, why?

sent 11.08 a.m.
I want to go to the mall to buy something but I have no partners. Are you up to?

I think for a while, will Jimin allow me to go out with a guy? But he don't even care about me so why would he be mad, right? I shrugged and replied to his text.

sent 11.10 a.m
Yeah, it sounds good. I'm up!

sent 11.11 a.m.
Alright! See you at XX mall at 1 p.m. !

I threw my phone away and rushed to my closet. Finally, there's someone who's willing to go out with me. Yeay!

I felt the joy started filling up my heart. It had been awhile since the last time I went out to chill. I was too busy with works lately. So I didn't get the chance to go out and chilling with friends. It gets more worse when I live with Jimin. Duh, that lame person. Ugh

1.05 p.m.

"Taehyung! " I ran towards a tall figure man and he turned to me. He looked at me who was so clumsy and crossed his arms. His eyes glanced at his wrist watch and said "You're 5 minutes and 23 seconds late " he pretended to be mad.

"So are you going to mad at me? " I asked and he laughed playfully.

"Of course not, I was kidding " he giggled and pulled me by my neck. He totally treated me like his younger sister. "Taehyung stop! I know you're tall but please. I can't breathe properly " I whined while trying hard to get off from him.

He stopped from gripping me and laughed hardly. "You're such a kiddo " he said, making me frowned. "No I'm not! It's just you're too big for me to fight. It's not fair " I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"Bla bla bla " he tried to annoy me but I just rolled my eyes. He loves to play with everyone. It makes him attractive and comfortable to be around with. "You said you want to buy something. So what is it? " I asked, trying to change the mood.

"Ouh, I want to buy a gift for my sister. But I don't know what the exact gift to give her. And since you're here, can you suggest something for me? " Taehyung asked while grinning at me.

"When's your sister's birthday? " I asked

"Next week! " he answered excitedly. "And you don't even invite me? Seriously? " I scoffed and looked away.

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