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The next day, Aera woke up in such a good position. She found that she slept for the whole night in Jimin's arms. No wonder she had such a good sleep.

Her face was buried onto Jimin's collarbone so she pulled her head  backwards a bit and looked at his adam apple. She didn't know what was the point she stared at it, but she found that it was satisfying. She felt his hot breath gently hit her bare face as his warm arms were wrapped tightly around her waist.

She suddenly let out a small giggle as she quietly admiring every inches of his perfect figure.

Who thought that Jimin and her would get so close like this, right? Feeling so blessed to get to be this close to him, she tightened the hug and put her head on his chest, right at the spot where his heart beats. Hearing those heartbeats beating gently was so calming and give her such a big satisfaction.

She smiled as she was so happy and began to fall asleep again.

8.50 a.m.

"Ms Aera, it's time for breakfast " Uncle Seon said while knocking the door to wake her up. Instead of waking up Aera, Jimin was the one who woke up.

He looked at the clock and squinted his eyes. "Duh, I'm going to late for work " he muttered and looked at the girl in his embrace. Aera was still sleeping and she seemed like will continuing her sleep for some more hours. So Jimin didn't want to wake her up.

He smiled as he noticed Aera had her arms tight around his waist. They were cuddling with each other while sleeping.

Letting out a small chuckle, his lips slowly made its way to her cheek and leave a soft peck on it. At the moment, he got to know that Aera has such a soft and adorable cheeks.

"How can I never noticed it before? " he mumbled and got up from the bed. He went to the door and opened it.

"Oh Uncle— What are you doing here? " Jimin scratched his head as he found it was awkward since Uncle Seon knew that he slept in Aera's room. He felt Uncle Seon was looking at him so he acted like he didn't notice it. A small chuckle was let out by Uncle Seon as he smiled sweetly.

"I just wanna say that your breakfast is ready. Do you want to wake Ms Aera? " he asked, looking at Jimin's red face. He cleared his throat and shook his head. "It's okay, just let her sleep. She seems tired " Jimin said

"Tired from what? Last night? " Uncle Seon asked, trying to joke around but ended up getting ignored by Jimin. "What kind of joke was that? " he mumbled as he walked away.

1.06 p.m.

Jimin was driving to his office after having a lunch. He went to a new restaurant to taste their foods. They were all good so he decided to bring Aera there to enjoy their foods.

He looked at his watch and stopped at the traffic light.

Turning around, he realized that he was right in front of Gorgeous Company, the place Aera used to work. He looked at the tall building and rolled his eyes. "Such a stupid person they are for firing her. " he clenched his jaw.

Feeling that his heart was burning, he glanced back at his watch to see if he had any loose time. He turned back to the building and parked his car at the side of the street.

He got out from his car and started walking towards the entrance door. Once his feet stepped into the company, he earned all the attentions. The workers who work there turned to him and everyone shut their mouths up. Everyone knows about his cold behavior so they didn't want to mess with him.

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