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HE LEFT THE HOSPITAL in rush and immediately made his way towards his black car which he parked at the second floor of the parking lot. Once he got into the car, he started the engine to go somewhere but he didn't where he should go and where to start. He was clueless.

But, he knows who can help him.

"Dead and losing the person you love the most is same "

Park Jimin

I speeded my car as fast as I could, forgetting all the rules Korea has. I even speeded when the traffic light was red. Why?

Because I was that desperate to meet her.

I couldn't hold the feeling of being dead inside anymore. It hurts me, it's killing me. She was the only one who can keep me sane this whole time.

I gripped on the steering wheel as the words my dad said to me kept repeating on my mind for million times.

But I was confused whether to believe him or not. I was stuck in this confusing situation.

I looked at the GPS on my phone to guide me to the place my dad told me. I really hoped she would be there. I needed to meet her and must meet her.

She's everything I need.

I reached a big building where the GPS leaded me to. I got off from my car and turned around to scan my surroundings. The area wasn't familiar for me. But it wasn't a matter.

The main reason I came here was to find Aera and bring her home with me. I didn't know if she wants to follow me or not. But I'm surely will make sure she wants to go home with me. Because if she really loves me, then she'll back to my side again.

What my dad said wasn't very clear. He seemed like he was hiding something from me. I know he wanted to tell me more. But he didn't. And I didn't know what was the reason. But at least he told me where Aera was. It was more than enough for me.

I turned off my phone and put it back into my pocket. Then, I casually walked into the tall building where Aera lived.

The environment was absolutely different here. All the people here seemed serious and didn't talk much. I looked at the whole lobby hall and realized that the rent pay for each month here might be expensive because this apartment looked quite luxury and classy. But what was replaying in my mind was; how can Aera managed to pay for the rent? Yes, I know she has her own money. But she was currently jobless. I didn't mean to say that she couldn't afford to live here. But if I was her, I won't waste my money on paying rent when I'm jobless. Or, do someone pays it for her? Who could it be? Her new— man?

No way. It couldn't be and I refused to believe it. I know her and I trust that she won't ever betray me. If she doesn't love me, then she'd just say it to me from the first place. Before I started loving her.

I shook my head and went to the counter to ask the worker. "Hey, do Kim Aera lives here?" I asked the girl.

She stopped looking at the computer and turned to me. I heard she let out a small gasp as she stared at my face. But when she noticed I didn't respond to her small flirt, she blinked her eyes. "Um, can I know who are you, Sir? " she cleared her throat.

"Her fiance " I answered right away and waited patiently for her to answer my question.

"Oh— can I ask for your identify card, Sir? I need to make a confirmation first. " she said. Maybe she was hesitant that I didn't know where my own fiance lives. But she didn't have the urge to ask me.

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