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Kim Aera

It had been the third day I'm staying at Jimin's house. But we still didn't make any conversation. He just treated me like a stranger but the fact is, I'm his future wife. Wow.

He just kept humming when I asked whether he was okay or not. Omg, I can't believe that I'm getting married to a moving statue.

But this time, I can't hold it anymore. It was 6 p.m. and it was time for me to go home. So I wanted to ask him either he wanted to marry me or not.

I drove straightly to his house and I saw his car. That means he was already home. I got out from my car and walked into the house. There, I spotted he was sitting at the living room while playing with his phone.

I made my way towards him and put my handbag beside me. "Uhum " I cleared my throat to make him looked at me. Gladly, he turned his head and had both his eyes glued on me.

"What? " he asked, looking straight at my face. I was a bit nervous when he stared at me like that but I still maintained cool. I welcomed myself by sitting on the couch and looked at him.

He seemed like knowing that I had something to tell him. He straightened his back and repaired his sitting posture. "Tell me what is it " he said after he done reading my reaction.

Before I started my talk, I inhaled a deep breath and said "I want to ask you something. Do you really want to marry me? Because you don't seem like you want to. You're the one who want to start the marriage but you make me look like I was the one that wanted to marry you "

Instead of answering me, he just looked at me with a blank look. It was kind of annoying.

"You just want to ask me that? Seriously? " he asked, trying to make me look dumb. I gritted my teeth, "Stop making fun of me. " I hissed and rolled my eyes.

"Then why you want to marry me? I'm not that interesting " I spoke.

He nodded, "Yeah. I admit that you're not that interesting. Look at your boob, they're not that sexy " he said as his eyes moved lower.

My face heated up when I noticed he was looking at my chest and I covered them with my handbag. "Watch your eyes! " I yelled.

"It's okay, your boob didn't even turn me on. I told you, they're not sexy. " he scoffed as he looked back at his phone. He really make me looked stupid now.

"Then why did you want to marry me? Why you didn't choose another girl who has a big boob like you want?! Why did you choose me?! " I asked in mad, still trying to hide my red face.

"Because I think you're the most easiest girl to handle. You're simple and you seem like you're not a materialistic. And from your face, I can say that you know how to be independent. "

"I don't like girls who love to waste their money on unbeneficial things. I just want a simple girl. And you're the best one " he said. I didn't know that he was complimenting me or insulting. But I can feel that he tried to say that I'm not interesting. Jerk.

"How can? I don't believe you. There must be another reason why you chose me. It's impossible for someone to judge another people by just looking at their pics. You don't even know me and you can't say anything about me " I scoffed, rolling my eyes in annoyance.

He sighed and turned off his phone. Soon, he stood up and went closer to me. I felt his cold aura started to hunt me. He bend his back and set his head beside mine. I just froze.

"Do you really want to know the reason why? " he asked and a smirked crinkled on his face.

"Because you're Kim Aera " he said and walked away.

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