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Sudden Change

Jungkook arrived at the cafe Aera asked him to wait and he ordered a cup of hot cappuccino latte. He reached there 15 minutes early so he still had time to drink his latte while waiting for Aera's arrival.

Actually, he was curious why Aera wanted to meet him all of the sudden. Usually, they'll just keep in touch by messaging each other or making some phone calls when they have time. But today, she requested to meet him face to face.

Not longer after that, he saw a figure that looked exactly like Aera. No, it was really her. He cleared his throat and repaired his loose tie. "Hey, good afternoon " Jungkook smiled to the girl who just sat across him. She smiled back and put her handbag to the side. "Afternoon too, kook " she said nicely.

At the same time, the waitress came to their table to give Jungkook his order. "Here's your latte, Sir. " the girl with a white cap said as she looked at Aera up and down. She probably thought Aera was Jungkook's girlfriend and got jealous.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you when you're working. I just really need to talk to you. " Aera said as the start of their conversation. Jungkook shook his head and raised his hand. "It's okay, I've done a few things earlier so I have time. No worries " he said to Aera.

She sighed in relief. She actually didn't want to be a burden to Jungkook despite she knows that Jungkook is a kind hearted man. He would never say no to someone who is in need.

"So, why do you suddenly want to meet me? I know there's something important you need to tell me, right? " Jungkook asked and leaned closer to her.

Aera tightened her grip on the glass as she began to speak. "I want to ask you about Jimin. Tell me about his past and everything about him that I don't know " she said, somehow sounded like demanding.

"Why? " It was the only thing Jungkook could ask her.

"Because I overheard your conversation with him yesterday " Aera answered which Jungkook found was shocking. He thought she wasn't there when they talked. He let out a small gasp as his eyes went wild. "What did you hear? " Jungkook asked more to know how deep did she heard their conversation. Aera slid her cup away from her sight and scoffed.

"I heard everything, kook. His wounds, marriage, his problems that would affect his future— what's that? Why he never tells me? Am I not important? " she asked in confusion. Jimin told her that he loves her. But he didn't share this important thing with her and she doesn't like that idea of him.

Jungkook sighed. "He do loves you, Aera. It's just— he doesn't have the urge to tell you the truth. He's afraid "

"Afraid of what?! " Aera thought it was just an excuse.

"He's afraid of losing you. He's afraid you will leave him after knowing the hurtful truth. Trust me, no matter what, you'll end up leaving him alone. " Jungkook blurted his heart out. Aera was taken back by his words as her brain was trying to process what did he says. "Me? Leaving him? No way. What make him thinks like that? Why would I leave him? He doesn't— trust me? " her heart broke a bit. She started to feel that there was a lump in her throat that insisted her to cry.

"He do trust you, Aera. It's just, something you'll never understand. " Jungkook sighed. He found it was hard for him to tell her the truth. He thought it was easy but when he faces it, he knows how hard it is to tell someone about the truth that was hidden for a long time.

"Then make me understand, Jungkook. " Aera said as she put her hand on his hand that was lay on the table. Jungkook looked up at her and stared into her desperate eyes. She really wanted to know what was happening and all the secrets that Jimin hid from her.

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