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THE NEXT following day, Jimin woke up but he didn't feel anything was laying on his side. Yesterday, he slept with Aera. But she wasn't beside him. He opened his eyes and turned to his sides to see if she was still in his room. But there was no sign of her absence in the room.

He sat up and got up from the bed but he stopped when he noticed his left arm was wrapped with bandage. He raised his eyebrow and touched it. It was wrapped nicely and neat. But the question that was on his mind; who did it? As what he knows, no one in the house knows about his wounds because he never shows it. He even wore long sleeves to cover it to prevent Aera from noticing it.

And now, he started to worry. "What if she knows about my wound? " he asked himself and shook his head quietly. "She won't know if no one tells her " he said and walked out from the room to find Aera that was missing.

He walked through the hallway and went to the kitchen. "Mrs Song, do you know where's Aera? She's not in her room. " he asked while hoping that Mrs Song knows where she was.

"I don't know, Sir. The last time I saw her was last night. She entered her room and took something. " she answered.

"Something like what? " Jimin asked.

"I'm not really sure. But I think it was a paper and a pen. Maybe she wanted to sketch " she told him.

"Oh really? Did she—" suddenly he phone rang. It was his manager saying that he needed to go to office as soon as possible since there was a problem. He ended the call and sighed. "I need to get ready to office now. Ask Aera to meet me at my office when she gets home. " he said and walked away after Mrs Song nodded her head.


"What's the problem? " Jimin asked his manager who had his head down. He seemed afraid even Jimin didn't scold him. He looked down at him and asked "What's the matter? " his tone got lower to show that he wasn't mad.

The boy finally got the urge to look up at him and bit his lip. "Actually Sir, your dad wants to meet you " he spoke, making Jimin froze on his spot.

Clenching his jaw, he hissed in disguise. "What did he says to you? Did he threatened you? " he asked and the boy shook his head. "No, he didn't " he answered.

"But he's sick at the hospital, Sir. His assistant called me this morning saying that he wants to meet you so badly. His condition is getting worse and meeting you may be his last request " he added.

His words didn't shocked him. Instead, he rolled his eyes and scoffed. "He only wants to see me when he's sick. Even it's his last request before passing away, I still won't to go meet him. " he refused.

"But, he has been wanting to meet you so many times before. You were the one who refused. " the boy spoke because he sympathized on Jimin's dad.

"Please Sir. Just meet him for the last time." he pleaded, but it didn't seem like working out. Jimin would still stand on his decision which is to not meeting him for forever. He still had grudges in his heart.

"I won't. " Jimin said shortly and it was enough to make his manager stopped forcing him. He nodded his head and bowed to him. "Okay then, I'm sorry Sir. Call me if you need anything " the boy said and headed out from his office.

Once the door was closed, Jimin clenched his fist and groaned silently. "Why things get so much difficult nowadays?! "

3.06 p.m.

Jimin just headed out from the meeting room. He had spent 3 hours in the room discussing about the company management and employees. His back was hurt since he sat on the uncomfortable chair for hours.

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