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Jimin had been keeping himself away from Aera. He didn't talk to her for days and he ignored every conversation Aera tried to start. He didn't even say a word to Aera since the incident.

Aera somehow stressed being ignored by Jimin. She knows that Jimin maybe can't move on from the incident yet. But for her, he should at least talk to her!

She felt anger started filling up her heart and she can't hold it anymore. She needs to make all of this clear. She stood up from her seat and went into Taehyung's office. She wanted to go home early and she needed Taehyung's approval. His brother, Taemin isn't available now because he went to Busan for works. So Taehyung took his place as the CEO for today.

"Mr Kim " Aera said once she stepped into Taehyung's office. Taehyung stopped doing his work and moved his gaze to Aera. "Yes, how can I help you? " Taehyung asked.

Even they're friends, Aera won't call him by his name at work. She respects him as her boss. Aera walked closer to Taehyung and told him what she wanted. "Can I go home early today? I've something to settle on " she said while waiting Taehyung to answer her.

Taehyung looked at the clock, "Yes, you can. But can I know why? Do you have problems?" he asked in concern. Aera smiled at his answer and shook her head. "No, it's nothing big but I need to settle it up as soon as possible. Don't worry " she said

Taehyung sighed and nodded in understanding. "Okay, but make sure you're fine okay? " he asked and Aera nodded. "Thank you, Mr Kim " she said and headed out from his office.

Once she got Taehyung's approval, she went directly to Jimin's office. She wanted to ask him what had been stressed him out lately. She entered the big, tall building and got approached by the new environment.

This building was more way different then the place Aera works. They have such a big difference. This building was very big and the decorations totally make Aera speechless. It was classy, simple but luxury.

The people who work here were all serious. They didn't even talk while doing their works. Everyone here seemed so strict and focused on their works. She went to the questioning counter that was placed at the main lobby.

"Good morning, Miss " the worker approached Aera who just came. Aera smiled to her and looked around. "Can I know where's Jimin? " she asked. The girl furrowed her brows in confused and looked at her friends. "Do you mean Sir Park? The chairman? " she asked Aera back.

Aera nodded her head, "Yes. I'm searching for him. " she said.

The girl was hesitate to tell her where's Jimin because she didn't know who Aera was. "Can I know your name, Miss? " she asked.

"Kim Aera " she answered. "Sir Park is still in the meeting room so let me ask his manager first " the worker said and Aera nodded. She didn't bother to tell the girl that she's Jimin's fiancee because if Jimin didn't tell anyone, so why would her?

She waited patiently and a moment later, she noticed that the girl was looking at her as if she was shocked. "I'm sorry Miss. I didn't know you were Sir Park's fiancee " she apologized, bowing to Aera.

"It's okay. It's not a big deal anyway " Aera said, not feeling too comfortable when someone suddenly bowed to her. "So where's his office? " she asked.

"On the 19th floor, Miss. His office is at the corner. You can ask anyone if you lost " she said. "Okay. Thanks for your direction. " Aera said and went to the lift.

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