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Park Jimin

"I'm going to work now " I said to Uncle Seon before heading out from the house.

"Jimin " I heard Aera's voice was calling my name. I turned and met her gaze. "What? " I asked her.

She looked down at her shoes and heaved a sigh. "Can you send me to work today? My car isn't starting " she said

I glanced at my watch and looked at her car. I heaved a sigh, "Why don't you just ask Uncle Seon? "

"Yeah, I was thinking about it too. But don't you remember that you asked him to accompany Mrs Song to hospital? Her appointment is about 20 minutes from now. He might run out of time " she shrugged.

I sighed and rolled my eyes quietly. "Okay then. Get into the car "

She nodded and followed me. "You don't mind for sending me, right? If I'm burdening you, I can call for a taxi " she said.

I shook my head, "What kind of man I am if I let you take a taxi? I know I'm not that kind but I'm not cruel. "

"Besides, I'm going to be your husband. I need to send you to work more often " I added. Hearing those words, she smiled.

"Thank you " she said and started wearing the seatbelt. She looked so happy. She gave me a weird feelings everytime she smiles at every kindness I did.

I sighed and shrugged the thoughts off.


Jimin dropped Aera off right in front of the company.

"You can ask Uncle Seon to pick you up after this " Jimin said coldly. He lost his mood in a second. Aera was quite surprised because Jimin was kind with her a few minutes ago. And his mood changed suddenly.

She thought he'll be picking her after work.

She sighed and nodded her head. "Thank you for sending me. It's a very nice of you " she smiled and got down from his car. As she turned away, she noticed some people were looking at her.

She was quite nervous when people started looking at her.

But in case to avoid from acting awkward, she shrugged and smiled to them. "Good morning everyone " she said and walked away.

Taehyung was on his way to his office. Suddenly, he heard a group of girls were gossiping about something hot.

"I saw Aera's fiance! He's damn handsome "

"Oh yeah. I heard her fiance owns such a big company. His name is Park Jimin "

"Damn it, are you serious? She's Park Jimin's? Then why don't she just works with her fiance? He's fucking rich"

Taehyung rolled his eyes and tried to hold back his anger. "What are you talking about? Aera's fiance? You're supposed to working not gossiping " he said and walked away.

The girls was speechless knowing that they were caught while gossiping. "It's embarrassing! "

"Whatever, I'm pretty sure he's pissed off because he has feelings for Aera " a girl said as she blew her nails. The other girls turned to her and widened their eyes.

"You serious? " they asked in shocked. "Of course I am. Everyone knows he likes Aera "

So do Taehyung really likes Aera?

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