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After he finally managed to calm her down, Taehyung sent her home. He stopped his car right in front of Jimin's house and looked at the back seat where Aera was.

Her hands were still shaking. Maybe the incident left some bad effects on her. He sighed, "Are you okay to walk? " he asked.

He really didn't want to let her go and wanted to comfort her by himself. Because he knows, if he let her go to Jimin, he'll be the one who'll comfort her. And the fact that he'll never be in his place hurts him a lot. He wished to be Jimin for some reason.

Aera nodded her head, signalling that she was okay. "But, can you help me to stand up? My knees are still shaking " Aera asked for help.

With a smile, "Of course. That's why I'm here. To help you " Taehyung said as he got out from his car and opened the door for Aera.

On the other hand, Jimin was resting at the balcony in his room. His head had been aching a lot lately so he thinks that taking a fresh air would help him to reduce the pain.

But then, he found something that distracted him. Taehyung.

He stood up and saw Taehyung was helping Aera to walk to the door. He was totally pissed off but knowing that. Taehyung was helping her, he tried to calm down a bit.

"That girl— she always has trouble in her life" he muttered and went downstairs as soon as he could.

He opened the door widely and went to them. He looked at Aera then Taehyung. Without wasting any second, he pushed Taehyung away and helped Aera to walk. Gently, he took her arm and wrapped it around his shoulders. After making sure she was strong enough to walk, he put his hand on her waist and helped her to walk into the house.

Taehyung muttered under his breath and rolled his eyes due to Jimin's actions. So you're trying to trigger my anger huh? he thought to himself and watched them.

Jimin put Aera on the couch and checked on her. "What happened to you? " he asked. Concern was what inside his eyes.

Instead of getting an answer by Aera, Taehyung began to speak.

"She almost got hit by a car " he stated, making Jimin gasped in shocked. He turned to her and widened his eyes.

"Are you insane? " he growled as he looked at her in disbelief. "How can you almost got hit by a car? Did you wish to die huh?! Such a careless person you are! " he scolded her instead of calming her down.

Seeing Jimin mad at her, she started to burst in tears again. "I don't know " she cried. Taehyung frowned and looked at Jimin. "Can you please stop scolding her? She's still scared. You're supposed to calm her. " Taehyung gritted his teeth in annoyance.

"If you won't do that, I will " he added which make Jimin burst out his anger.

"What did you say? You want to calm her? No way. I'm her fiance not you! " he pointed to Taehyung and growled at him.

"Then act like her fiance! " Taehyung yelled at him which almost make Jimin to punch him. But Jimin didn't because Aera was holding his hand while begging him to not going aggressive again.

He looked down at Aera who was still crying and hissed silently. Her tears was too pure that make Jimin softened a bit. He sighed and turned to Taehyung.

"You'd better go now or I'll punch your face." he said and turned away. He can't look at his face for any longer because he was worried if he'd lost his control again. Taehyung clenched his fist, refusing to go but since it was Aera's request, he obeyed.

"Fine " he mumbled and walked out from the house.

Jimin heaved a deep sigh and sat beside Aera. Then, he ruffled his hair in frustration.

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