"Skipping Christmas"

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Jay & Summer sat on the couch, but only for a moment until Jay jumped up & pitched a crazy idea to Summer.

Jay: Have you ever done anything that was in the spur of the moment?
Summer: Why?
Jay: I know that Christmas is the last thing on your mind right now.
Summer: Yeah, I just wish we could skip it. Let's skip it all...
Jay: Let's skip it & get out of here.
Summer: What?
Jay: Virginia is a freakin' winter wonderland. There are Christmas lights strung on every house. There are Christmas songs on the radio all day everyday & Christmas movies playing on every channel. We can't avoid it while we stay here. We have to go somewhere where they don't celebrate Christmas.

Summer sat up & sat on the edge of the couch.

Summer: Well, where do you suggest we go? Mars?

Jay smiled & took off to grab a couple of suitcases.

Summer: Jay?
Jay: I know just the place!
Summer: Where?
Jay: Pack your bags, we're going to Maldives.
Summer: When?
Jay: Tonight!

Jay quickly booked 2 tickets to Maldives. Summer & Jay packed their bags. Summer thought this was a crazy, but great idea to get away for the holidays & escape for a bit. She was tired of all the sadness, the gloom from the icy, cold weather, & the reminders that this year she'd spend the holidays father-less. In the middle of her packing, Summer paused. Jay had already finished & wheeled his bag to the top of the staircase. He noticed Summer was quiet in her room. He walked down the hall to her end, knocked on her open door & saw she was seated on the floor.

Jay: Summer?

He came to her side & sat by her. She was holding Dylan's necklace in her hand.

Summer: I'm sorry.
Jay: Don't be sorry. Do you not wanna go?
Summer: No, I do. I'm just thinking of...
Jay: Dylan?
Summer: Yeah.
Jay: Maybe you should call him? You should call your family too.
Summer: Yeah.

Summer agreed & finished packing. She was buying time to think what she would tell her grandma & sister. She soon called Serena & Grandma & explained the situation. Grandma freaked when Summer said she wasn't coming home for Christmas. Serena was in full support as usual.
Summer contemplated calling Dylan. She knew she had to call him. It was the right thing to do. Summer dialed his number, but was surprised to hear another voice answer his phone. She pulled her phone away from her ear to see if she had called the right person. She was right, but who had answered Dylan's phone?

Michie: Hello? Summer?
Summer: Hi, um... Is Dylan around?
Michie: Yeah, hold on. Dylan it's Summer.
Dylan: Summer?
Summer: Hi
Dylan: How are you? I miss you so much...
Summer: Was that Michelle?
Dylan: Yeah...
Summer: Oh.What's going on?
Dylan: Her family is here. Her whole family. It's not just her or anything.
Summer: Ok
Dylan: Hey, I'm glad you called. Are you going home for Christmas?
Summer: Actually that's why I called.
Dylan: Ok
Summer: I'm going to the Maldives for Christmas. We thought this would be best to help me get my mind off of all the sadness. I just can't celebrate Christmas this year.
Dylan: We?
Summer: Jay & I.
Dylan: Oh so he's going with you?
Summer: Well, I'm not gonna go alone.
Dylan: Let me come with you. When are you leaving?
Summer: You have company I don't want to take you away.
Dylan: You're my girlfriend, Summer.
Summer: Look, I need to do this on my own.

Summer stood up holding Dylan's necklace. She put the necklace in a drawer & closed it.

Dylan: But with Jay?
Summer: It's not like that.
Dylan: Ok, cause it sounds like you guys are going on some romantic island getaway.
Summer: Dylan, I didn't call you to argue.
Dylan: I'm not arguing. I'm sorry. I'm sure this will be beneficial to you. I just... Are you sure you don't want me to come?
Summer: I'm sure.
Dylan: Ok. Well, have a good time.
Summer: Please tell your dad hi for me.
Dylan: I will.
Summer: Bye, Dylan.
Dylan: Love you...

Summer hung up before she heard Dylan say "love you..." & also didn't have the chance to say it back.
Dylan looked distraught in the midst of his family & Michie & her family. They had been preparing for Christmas, cooking & doing all the holiday things. Dylan didn't have a good feeling about Summer going on this trip with Jay. He wanted to be with her more than anything, but Michie told him that the best thing for Summer might be to get away.

Before Summer knew it, she & Jay were on a plane headed to the beautiful Maldives. On the plane, she was looking at her father's letter & list. She crossed off number 7, which was,"sing me a song while playing the piano". She crossed off number 2, which was,"travel to a foreign country". She looked over at Jay who had fallen asleep. She decided to sleep as well. She woke up & Jay was out of his seat. She stood up to stretch her legs, this was gonna be a long flight. As she was walking up & down the aisles, she saw a Grandma with her two granddaughters sitting by a window. The grandmother was reading a story book to the girls. She smiled & remembered her own grandma. She walked around the plane once then returned to her seat. Jay was in his place. She squeezed by him to get to her seat.

Jay: I got you a coffee & hot towel. They'll be bringing by breakfast soon.
Summer: Breakfast sounds good. Thanks for the coffee.
Jay: Of course.

Summer sipped her coffee & wiped her face & neck with the warm towel. She stretched & was massaging her shoulder. She seemed tight & tense.

Jay: You ok?
Summer: I must've slept wrong or something. My shoulders a little sore.
Jay: Here, let me.

Summer turned her back & Jay started massaging her shoulder. She closed her eyes. Jay moved her hair away from her shoulder & massaged her for a couple of minutes.

Jay: How's that?

Summer rolled her shoulder.

Summer: Better. Thanks.

Jay gave her a pat on her back. They made intimate eye contact. Summer broke the eye contact & looked down at her coffee cup. Jay cleared just throat you dismiss the awkwardness. He opened up a magazine & began to look through it.

Jay: We have a few more hours till we land.

Summer continued drinking her coffee & nodded acknowledging Jay's comment.

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