"Two Bodies & One Bed"

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As Summer & Jay entered their villa, their gaze both fell on the shower. They had an awkward exchange of glances & offered for the other to take the first shower.

Summer: I insist, you can go first.
Jay: You sure?
Summer: Yeah. I'm going to take forever if I go first.
Jay: Ok.

Jay turned the water on & started getting undressed.
Summer prepared her things for the shower & her eyes fell on Jay as he was showering. He was obviously physically attractive. He was tall, muscular & had a nice sized package. She watched but for a moment & shook herself to look away. What she & Jay had in the past was almost purely sexual. He introduced her to so much about sex. Before him she had only been with one guy, Greg. She was only 16 after all. Although Jay found comfort in Summer during the passing of his own father, they were more than just "friends with benefits". He fell in love with Summer that year. All those old memories started to flood back to her. The way his touch made her feel, the way his breath on her skin excited her, the way he held & kissed her & how it left her wanting more. He knew what she liked & how she liked it. She caught herself in a daydream & stopped herself before the daydream turned into a sexual fantasy.

Summer: Control yourself...

Summer shook her head & continued gathering her things. Pretty soon, the water stopped & Jay was done. Jay dried himself off & slipped into shorts & walked up to Summer as he was drying his hair with the towel. Summer flinched as she didn't know he was behind her.

Summer: What?
Jay: Just wanted to let you know that the shower gets hot fast. Careful.
Summer: Thanks.

Summer walked around Jay to head to the bathroom. She slipped out of her clothes & Jay watched as she slipped off article of clothing after the next. He continued drying his hair & imagined standing right behind her under the shower head, smelling her neck & caressing her skin. It seemed that it wasn't just Summer's head filling up with memories of the past. Jay remembered the way Summer's hair fell down her naked back. He loved how soft her lips were & how kissing them felt. He remembered how her touch set off goosebumps all over his body. Summer was the only girl who ever made him feel this way. He walked away towards the living room where he turned the tv on in hopes to distract his thoughts away from Summer. Soon, Summer was done in the bathroom. She put on her silk pajamas. First her shorts & then her spaghetti strapped top. She walked over to where Jay was & stood next to the couch. Jay eyed her up & down. Her top was low cut & her cleavage could be seen. The silk top was so thin he could see her nipples through it.

Jay: You wanna sit?

Summer sat on the other end of the couch.

Summer: So... what are we gonna do about the bed situation?
Jay: Bed situation?
Summer: Yeah, there's two of us & only one bed.
Jay: Oh, that situation...
Summer: Yeah.
Jay: Um, I can get the couch.
Summer: You sure?
Jay: Yeah. It's pretty comfy.

Summer looked at the couch & then at Jay. Jay was much longer than the couch was, but she let him decide & shrugged her shoulders at his idea.

Summer: Suit yourself. Anything good on?

Jay shook his head as he continued scanning the channels.

Summer: Ok, well. I'm gonna hit the hay. I'm so tired.
Jay: Goodnight.

Summer yawned as she walked off.

Summer: Night.

Although Summer was tired, she had a hard time sleeping. Jay wasn't interested in anything in tv so he turned the tv off & pulled the blanket over him. For the next half hour, Summer could hear Jay rolling around on the couch. Jay was tossing & turning as he tried to find a comfortable position. Summer started to think that maybe Jay should just share the bed with her. They could be mature about this. Summer sat up & called him over. Jay's eyes widened in excitement.

Jay: Did you need something?
Summer: Come here.
Jay: Huh?

Jay was confused, but walked over to Summer.

Summer: We're both grown ups here & besides this bed is huge. Get in.
Jay: Summer, the couch is fine. I've slept in worse conditions.
Summer: Jay, you've been tossing & turning in it for the past half hour. You're not sleeping a wink on that thing.
Jay: Ok, if you insist.

As Jay got in the bed, Summer turned around away from facing Jay & faced the edge of the bed.

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