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Summer woke up with a pounding headache & slowly opened her eyes. Her first thoughts were "Where am I?", "What day is it?", "How'd I get here?". Nat was sitting on the bench at the end of her bed. He was sipping a cup of coffee, wearing a white robe with his right leg crossed over his left. Nat got up just as Summer was rubbing her eyes. He gently placed his hand over her feet.

Nat: Relax honey, you're safe & you're home.

Summer looked down to see she was in her silk pajamas. Her head was spinning & she had to lie back down.

Nat: Don't get up too fast. Oh & in case you're wondering in that pretty little head of yours, I chose the silk pjs cause they looked really cute. I hope you don't mind.
Summer: How did you...
Nat: Don't worry babe, I was gentle. You can trust me.
Summer: Ugh...I feel like crap.
Nat: Well honey, you look like like crap.

Nat started laughing.

Summer: Ugh...
Nat: I'm kidding!
Summer: Where's Krystal?
Nat: Oh, she's at home. You know #momlife.
Summer: Well, thanks for getting me home.
Nat: Don't thank me. I don't drive.
Summer: How'd we...
Nat: My brother Nick drove us.

Nick walked into Summer's room with a tray of food.

Summer: What are you doing here? What is he doing here?
Nat: Don't worry. He didn't spend the night. It was just me. But he's here to pick me up so I gotta go.

Nick brought the tray of food to Summer.

Summer: Well, thank you to both of you.
Nat: Do you need anything else?
Summer: I think I'll be fine.

Nick stood by the door watching Nat & Summer.

Nat: Nick, stop staring at her. You're already creeping her out as it is.

Nick walked out of the room.

Nat: Ok, bye babe. Call if you need anything.
Summer: Bye...
Nat: One more thing! Krystal & I got you a little somethin' somethin' in case you're missing Jay & feeling lonely. It's under your bathroom sink.

Nat winks at Summer & leaves the room. Summer listened as Nat & Nick were arguing while walking out the door. Summer ate her breakfast & looked around to see that she was all alone again. She began to get that empty feeling as she started to miss Jay all over again.

Nick was smiling as he was driving home. Nat noticed Nick was smiling way too big for a normal day.

Nat: Why are you smiling so big? Wipe that smile off your face. Right now!
Nick: Why?
Nat: What'd you do?
Nick: Why are you assuming I did something?

Nat turned around to see Summer's dress from the other night sitting on the backseat. Nat gasped & grabbed it.

Nat: Nick?! How dare you?! Leave her alone. She's a new friend. Friend! Did you hear me? You always scare my friends away.
Nick: Stop freaking out.
Nat: She's dating Jay Woods. So you need to cool it.
Nick: I don't care who she's dating.
Nat: Don't get any stupid ideas, Nick. I'm serious! I like this girl. Leave her alone.
Nick: Ok, chill out.
Nat: I'm returning her dress.
Nick: How are you gonna explain this to her?
Nat: Yeah, no thanks to you. I'll just tell her that I took the liberty of dry cleaning it for her.

In Washington...

Dyxon: Hey, Dylan! May I see you for a minute?

Brian & Dylan we're working on a car together. Dylan shrugged & left Brian alone as he went to his dad in the office.

Dylan: Hey dad, what's up?
Dyxon: Does Brian know about Bennet?
Dylan: No, I tried to tell him last week, but didn't. Bennet was supposed to be at the apartment, but left before Brian got home.
Dyxon: Yeah, those two never had the best relationship. To tell you honestly, you were a better to brother to Brian than Bennet ever was.
Dylan: Do you know where Bennet is right now? I haven't seen him since.
Dyxon: Wish I could tell you that much. He'll turn up if he knows what's good for him.
Dylan: I guess. It's just that we barely even saw him during Christmas. He was in & out within hours.
Dyxon: That's Bennet for you. He puts the T in trouble if you ask me.

Dylan looked back at Brian through the window. He felt bad for him. Having Bennet back in his life wouldn't be ideal now that Brian was getting his life back on track. Bennet was always the troublemaker growing up. One of Dylan's earliest memories of Bennet was when he lit an abandoned barn house on fire. Good thing the firefighters arrived in time otherwise there'd be acres of land burned to ashes. Bennet's actions influenced Brian as a teenager. They would run wild with the neighbors' kids in the middle of the night terrorizing the town with pranks. Brian got heavily in alcohol & smoking when he was only 13 years old. It was during this time when he was sent home from school a lot & even got escorted home by the police. Brian's parents had enough so they sent Bennet away to a boy's home a few states over. This may have saved Brian's life because now with Bennet out of the way, Brian was able to graduate high school with honors & now he was on his way to college. Bennet's time at the boy's home was done & he was doing God knows what with all his free time. He didn't have a job, or a legal one that anyone knew of.

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