"Grandma's Rosè"

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Brian: I'm gonna head out.
Dylan: Where to?
Brian: To uh...
Dylan: If you're going to see Serena just tell me. You don't have to hide things like that from me you know.
Brian: Ok. Yeah, I'm going to Serena's. She needs help with signing up for classes for the spring. So I'm going over to help her.
Dylan: That's nice of you. You still crushing on her?
Brian: Yeah. Is it weird that she's pregnant?
Dylan: Kinda.

Brian shrugged.

Brian: Alright, I'm out.
Dylan: I'm heading out too. Gonna grab some stuff for the shop & for New Year's.
Brian: Ok. I'll catch you later.
Dylan: Bye.

As Brian left, Dylan was locking up & started to reminisce the times he went over to Summer's house. He shook his head from the memories & went on his way.

Brian got to Serena's house & Summer greeted him.

Summer: Hey Brian. Come in.
Brian: Thanks. When did you get back?
Summer: Just today. I'm actually on my way out. Prepping for Grandma's birthday & New Year's Eve.
Brian: Alright, we'll see you alter.
Summer: Bye.
Serena: Brian?
Brian: I'm here.
Serena: Hey!

Serena hugged Brian & her belly got in the way.

Brian: I think someone is keeping us from hugging.

Serena laughed.

Serena: I'm sorry.
Brian: Don't be. It's cute. Anyways... What can I help you with?
Serena: Come this way.

Serena & Brian head to Serena's room. Serena showed him the options of classes she could take & he advised her to take certain classes on specific days with some of the teachers he's had in the past.

Serena: I'm so glad you're helping me. I honestly wouldn't have known where to start. You should be an advisor or something for incoming freshman.
Brian: Maybe I will...

Brian noticed Serena was giggling at his jokes & smiling at him, but he shrugged it off thinking maybe she was just being nice to him. That how most girls treated him anyways. Serena thought Brian was sweet, adorable & found him to be attractive, but in her mind she thought it would be weird for anyone to be interested in a pregnant woman.

Summer got to the grocery store parking lot & battled it out against many last minute shoppers. She hated going to the store during the holidays. The parking lot was completely packed. She wanted to turn around & go home, but she wasn't going to leave without Grandma's favorite rosè which she only ever asked for once a year - on her birthday. Summer finally go a parking spot after what seemed like eternity. She got in the store & walked down the alcohol & spirits aisle & scanned shelf after shelf. She found the rosè, but it was on the very top shelf & it was the last bottle. It seemed to be out of reach for her 5'0'' height. She put the basket down & tried reaching for it. She reached as far as she could, but realized she might need to ask a worker for help. There was someone behind her & she moved out of their way. She noticed the person reached for her rosè. She turned around a bit annoyed.

Summer: Hey! I was reaching... for that. Dylan?
Dylan: Hi, Summer.

Dylan handed the bottle to Summer.

Dylan: I was reaching it for you.
Summer: Oh, thanks.
Dylan: Happy New Year!
Summer: Happy New Year.

Summer placed the bottle in her shopping basket & briskly walked away from Dylan.

Dylan: Summer, wait.
Summer: I have a shopping list to get through.
Dylan: Let me help you.
Summer: Why? I don't need help.

Dylan pointed to the bottle of rosè that he just assisted her with.

Summer: I won't be needing anymore help.
Dylan: Summer.
Summer: I have nothing more to say to you, Dylan.
Dylan: Can we just try this friends thing again? Please?
Summer: You're not ready to be friends with me. We're both not.

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