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Brian had plenty of time to think of how he would tell Serena. He knew he had to tell her the truth, but had to think clearly about how to go about doing it. Pretty soon, Grandma & Serena pulled into the driveway.

Grandma: Brian? Is that you?
Brian: Yes, ma'am. Let me help you with those.

Brian helped Serena & Grandma unload the groceries & brought them into the house.

Grandma: Wow, it's nice having a man around to help out.
Brian: Well, I'm glad to help out.
Serena: Hey, how's Bennet?
Grandma: I'll go prepare our lunch. I'll be right inside.
Brian & Serena sat on the porch swing.

Serena: Is he ok? Is he upset with me? Did I do something?
Brian: Serena, it's not your fault.
Serena: What happened?
Brian: Bennet had to go.
Serena: What?
Brian: He left you this though. It's for you & the baby.
Serena peered into the bag & saw the money. She pushed it away.
Serena: I don't want this. I just want Bennet.
Brian: Serena, you're better off without him.
Serena: You sound just like Grandma.

Serena stood up.

Serena: Why does everyone feel like they have to protect me? I can take care of myself. I'm old enough to make my own choices.
Brian: I didn't mean to upset you.
Serena: Well, you did. And now, Bennet's gone. I didn't get to say goodbye. What kind of a guy does that?

Brian stands up to comfort Serena, but she pushes him away.

Serena: Brian, just go. I need to be alone right now.
Brian: Serena.
Serena: Please?

Brian walked down the steps back to his car he heard the door slam behind him.

In Washington, Devon had privilege time & was able to video chat Krystal.

Devon: They put you on what?!
Krystal: Bed rest.
Devon: Well, baby, maybe you just need to stop working so hard. I'll be home before you know it.
Krystal: It's so hard sometimes, D.
Devon: I know. Hang in there. You got this, Krystal. You're the strongest woman I know. Look, I gotta go. I'll talk to you soon. Kiss the girls for me?
Krystal: I will, baby.
Devon: I love you.
Krystal: I love you, too.

Devon clicked out of the video chat screen & sat there in front of the computer. He felt defeated. He felt hopeless. He wanted to be there for his pregnant wife & his daughters. Jay stood behind him. He placed his hand on his Devon's shoulder. Devon stood up & shook off his emotions.

Devon: I wish I could be there taking care of her right now.
Jay: She's knows that.
Devon: I'm gonna go get ready for night shift. You uh gonna tell Summer what you saw?
Jay: Not sure yet.
Devon: Alright man, good luck.
Jay: Thanks, man.

Jay sat down & logged on. He was looking forward to video chatting with Summer, but was hesitant to confront her.

Earlier that day...
Krystal asked for Nat & Summer to watch the girls while she went to her doctor's appointment. Nat & Summer willingly agreed. They took the girls out to the park. The girls were off for the entire week & didn't have school. Krystal was extra drained taking care of the girls by herself all week long. She was grateful for extra curricular activities & of course for her friends who always came by at the drop of a hat to help in any way they could. Krystal was feeling what she thought was round ligament pains around her belly & back, but the pain was consistent & when she told her doctor about it, they insisted she come in for an appointment right away. At the park, Nat was on the swing set with Deja. Summer was going around the park equipment with Kacey & Diamond. Diamond's giggles filled the air as she came down the slide.

Nat: No matter how cute these girls are, I'm just convinced that George & I are just not the parenting type.
Summer: Oh please, look at you. You're great with the girls.
Nat: I might be great with them now, but check back with me 3 margaritas in.
Summer: Well, whatever the case I think when we do have our own kids, it'll be a whole different story.
Nat: I can see it now, 5 years from now, you & Jay will have 5 kids.
Summer: Five in five?! You're crazy!
Nat: Am I? Come on, I see the way Jay looks at you. It's like he can instantly make you pregnant by the way he looks at you. He's completely thirsty for you, girl.
Summer: You think?
Nat: That's the only good thing about deployment. The men come back home horny as fuck.

Summer cleared her throat.

Summer: Nat, language...
Nat: I said duck!
Deja: We know what you said, Uncle Nat.

The girls laugh. Nat shrugs his shoulders & then Summer starts a game of tag. They all run around the park until the girls get tired. They all soon returned home where they waited for Krystal.

At Dyxon's garage...
Brian & Dylan were working & Dyxon came downstairs. Dyxon approached Brian & put his hand on his shoulder. Brian stopped what he was doing to face his uncle.

Dyxon: Hey Brian, I'm sorry to hear about your brother leaving.
Brian: I'm sorry too. I was really hoping he'd stay.
Dyxon: I think we all were hoping for it. Well, you just hang in there.
Brian: Yes, sir.
Dyxon: By the way, I have some news I wanted to share with the two of you. Are you both free for dinner? I'm cooking steak!

Brian & Dylan both exchanged looks of agreement.

Dylan: We'll be there, dad.
Brian: Sounds good, uncle Dyxon.
Dyxon: You boys are in for a treat let me tell ya!

Dyxon walked back upstairs & the boys continued working on the car. Dylan dropped a wrench.

Brian: Dude! Careful, this is Ally's car.
Dylan: Ally? Wasn't she the girl who ran out on your date?
Brian: Well, the date was kinda over. And yeah, it's her. Look, I'm trying to be her friend & all so please don't ruin it for me.
Dylan: Don't worry. It didn't hit the car. Hey, have you heard from Serena since you stopped by her house?
Brian: Um, no. I haven't. She was real upset so I don't think I'll be seeing her anytime soon.
Dylan: Brian... Brian...
Brian: What?
Dylan: Brian, I hate to spell it out for you, but I think I'm gonna have to. Bennet is finally out of the way. Out of your way. What are you waiting for?

Serena was in her room cleaning & worrying about Bennet. She had his leather jacket & hung it up on the coat rack in her room. She looked at the bag Brian brought by & opened it up. She saw all the money. She knew she needed the money, but she didn't it. All she wanted was Bennet. She began crying thinking about him. Why hadn't he called her back? Did she do something wrong? Suddenly, Serena felt sharp pains coming from her side & they were so severe she had to sit down for it. She decided to draw a bath for herself to destress. Maybe the pains will subside she thought. She closed her eyes as she relaxed in the bathtub. She was still feeling sharp pains & so she stood up from the bath & wrapped herself in her robe. She stepped out & noticed blood trickling down her leg. She yelled out for Grandma & at the drop of a hat, Grandma ran up to Serena's side.

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