"Hangovers & Ultrasounds"

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Brian could hardly sleep thinking about the kiss he shared with Serena at the New Year's Eve party. He wanted to ask her out & get to know her better, but he was afraid. He was afraid she'd reject him. He was afraid of Grandma; who wasn't. What would people say? What would his family think? His family was very traditional & so dating a pregnant girl might sway them a different way. He had no judgment over Serena & her situation. He sincerely cared about her & her baby. He also wanted to know for sure that Serena felt the same way about him. Sure they were friends, but would she be willing to be more than that with him?

Serena: Grandma, I'm all ready.

Serena woke up bright & early in spite of the late & loud night they previously had. Grandma was still in bed & groggy. It was uncharacteristic of her to still be in bed. This morning was different though. Grandma was hungover.

Grandma: Ready for what?
Serena: My ultrasound appointment. Remember you said you'd drive me.

Grandma put her palm to her face.

Grandma: Oh my gosh, Serena. I'm so so sorry. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm actually a little hungover.
Serena: That's ok. I'll make you breakfast. Come on, Grandma. I can't miss this appointment.
Grandma: I'm afraid I really can't make it, my dear.
Serena: Well, what am I gonna do?

Grandma groaned & sighed & tried to sit up.

Grandma: Why don't you ask Brian?
Serena: Brian?
Grandma: He's a nice boy. I'm sure he'll do it.
Serena: Ok.
Grandma: Serena, I'm so sorry.
Serena: It's ok, Grandma. I'll call him right now.

After getting off of the phone with Serena, Brian rushed out of his room & sipped some of Dylan's coffee before grabbing his coat & keys.

Dylan: Hey get your own?!
Brian: No time.
Dylan: Where are you going?
Brian: I'm helping Serena with something. She needs me.
Dylan: You guys have been getting close.
Brian: Trying to get to know her better.
Dylan: Hey at least you won't need to worry about getting her knocked up.
Brian: Oh shut up.
Dylan: Kidding!
Brian: So you & Summer...You guys friends now?
Dylan: Don't wanna talk about it, but we're done. And we're not even friends so there's that. If I were you I'd take things slow with Serena. Just enjoy being her friend cause you never know you may never get that friendship back.
Brian: Got it. Look, I gotta...
Dylan: Yeah, I'll see you later. I'll be at the garage.
Brian: Bye.

Summer finally got to Virginia the next morning after her flight had been delayed. She took an Uber to Jay's house. The whole ride she kept going over in her head how she was going to tell Jay she loved him. When she saw his car was in the driveway she was relieved that he was as home, but all of a sudden her heart started pounding out of her chest. She thanked her driver & made her way in. She still had the spare key he gave her. Her nerves kept her from unlocking the door. Her hands were shaking with excitement. She entered the house & everything was still & quiet. She made her way upstairs & as she turned the corner towards Jay's room, she noticed the door was open. She stood in the doorway & looked at him for a moment before she walked in. He was curled up in his bed under the covers. His facial hair had grown over & made him look scruffy. She liked that look on him. He was fast asleep. Summer tiptoed in his room. She was careful not to wake him. She set her bag down in the corner, took her shoes & coat off & crawled into bed with him. She wrapped her arm around him, kissed his cheek & laid her head on his chest.

Devon stopped by to check on Jay & poked his head into Jay's room & saw he wasn't alone. Both Summer & Jay were still sleeping. Devon slowly back out of the room & with a big smile carefully shut the door. He was happy that Summer came back for Jay.

Serena & Brian were at the doctor's office waiting for Serena's appointment. Serena was perusing a magazine & Brian was people watching, something he liked to do. There were families all around them. Some with sick kids, some with crying kids & others with both. He sighed & realized the kid closest to him soiled his diaper. It reeked in the whole waiting room. The nurse came out & called Serena's name.

Serena: That's me. Brian, you want to come in too?
Brian: You sure?
Serena: I hate going alone.
Brian: Ok, I'll come with you.
Serena: Thanks.
Nurse: How are you today, Serena?
Serena: I'm doing well, yourself?
Nurse: Busy day, but I can't complain. Is this...
Serena: My friend, Brian.
Nurse: Hi Brian.

Brian smiled & waved. They entered a small room where Serena got her vitals taken & recorded & then they were brought into another room where Serena waited for the ultrasound tech.

Nurse: We'll need for you to undress & put this on before the ultrasound tech comes in.
Serena: Ok, thanks.

The nurse left the room. Brian stood up.

Brian: I'll be right outside.
Serena: Stay. Please?
Brian: Ok, I'll just be right here.

Serena motioned for Brian to turn around so she could undress. She quickly undressed & put the medical gown on.

Serena: You can turn around.

Brian turned around & Serena was on the medical bed. She was handing him her clothes to hold.

Serena: Can you hold on to these for me?
Brian: Sure.
Serena: I'm sorry if this is weird.
Brian: What? No, not at all.
Serena: Really? This must be awkward.
Brian: Well, ok. A little, but I'm glad you asked me to come.
Serena: My Grandma couldn't take me today & there's honestly no one else I trust in this city.
Brian: Well then it's a privilege.

There was a knock on the door. It was the ultrasound tech. He was goofy & made Serena feel comfortable.

Bob: Hey there, mommy & daddy to be. I'm Bob.
Serena: Oh no, he's not.
Brian: I'm not the father.
Bob: Oh... damn it I always do that. Never assume, kids. Anyways, let's try that again. Hello there, mommy to be. Serena, right?
Serena: Yes.
Bob: And you are...
Brian: I'm Brian. Just a friend.
Bob: Oh ok. Alright. Friends are cool. So are we here for the tooth extraction?

Serena & Brian look at each other & crack up laughing.

Bob: Sorry, my approach to meeting patients & people in general is sort of eccentric & many find it to be annoying.
Serena: You're not annoying.
Bob: Well, I'm glad you don't think so. My wife... is a different story. You guys are here to see your baby? Well, your baby. Not yours, right?
Brian: No.
Bob: Wish I did paternity tests, kid. Ok, I'll stop. Let's start, shall we? Serena go ahead & lay back for me. And Brian was it?
Brian: Yeah.
Bob: If you can hit the lights please.
Brian: Yup.
Bob: Ok, we're gonna go in if I can have you give me a deep breath, Serena.

Serena looked at Brian & reached to hold his hand. Brian held her hand. Serena felt safe.

Serena: Ok, I'm ready.

Bob inserted the transvaginal ultrasound wand into her & she gasped as the instrument went in. She grasped Brian's hand & gave it a squeeze. It was sort of painful for Brian, but he was glad to come along to help Serena. The appointment went well. Baby girl was healthy & in a good position. Brain was amazed to see the baby wiggle & even caught a glimpse of the baby's feet. He thought they were the cutest things. Serena noticed that Brian was smiling & thought he was so sweet for coming with her.

Bob: A healthy baby girl. Healthy mommy. Everything is looking great.
Serena: Thank you, Bob.
Brian: Thank you.
Bob: Do you have any questions for me before I go?
Serena: No, I think I'm all set.
Bob: Ok, well, you take care. I'll see you at the next ultrasound appointment. Have a good day, guys.

Bob left the room.

Serena: Hey, Brian. Thanks for coming with me. It really means a lot for both of us.
Brian: Anything for this little cutie & for you. Hey, what do you say we get out of here & I'll get you lunch?
Serena: Lunch? I'm starved.
Brian: Anything you want.

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