"I've Waited for You"

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The end of the hike was the highlight as the couples enjoyed the warm springs & the waterfall. It was refreshing & soothing. Jay took Summer aside before they had to get back to their tour guide to end this couples' activity. He led her around the waterfall to the hidden part under the rocks. As they swam around the waterfall, the water from the strong stream splashed lightly on their faces. Jay day Summer up on the ledge & rested his arms on her legs. She wiped her face from the water & moved her hair back.

Jay: Summer, we can't ignore what happened between us. At least I can't.

Summer looked down to avoid it. Jay slowly lifted her face up with his finger. They made eye contact & Jay continued talking.

Jay: I've waited for you for 6 years. I'll wait forever if I have to.

Summer's eyes welled up with tears & her lips quivered. It scared her to death to hear just how committed Jay was to her. She wasn't sure why. Maybe because she knew she couldn't commit herself to him knowing she was still with Dylan. She knew in her heart that before anything else she needed to sort things out with Dylan first. Summer felt her tears flood out of her eyes. She looked down again.

Jay: I just want to know if I even have a chance with you.
Summer: It's complicated, Jay.
Jay: Is it Dylan?
Summer: Partly, but it's mostly me who I need to figure out.

Jay wiped the tears rolling down Summer's cheeks. She looked up as he did this.

Jay: I love you, Summer.
Summer: I know you do. I promise I'll have an answer for you soon.

Summer wrapped her arms around Jay. Kavah peeked from the other side of the waterfall.

Kavah: There you guys are? No time for waterfall sex. Maybe during the next hike.

Kavah winks. Jay helps Summer off of the ledge & they follow Kavah.

The next thing on their excursion/activity list was a couples spa & massage. This is what Summer was looking forward to the most.

Jay & Summer entered a white tent & were told to undress & lay heads down on the massage beds. The sound of the waves crashing & the wind chimes dancing in the air was so relaxing. Summer fell asleep even before the masseuse came into their tent. She dreamt she was a teenager & on a swing set at a park. There were only 3 swings. She sat in the middle. She was the only one at the park. The sun was shining, there were birds chirping. It was a beautiful day. She stopped swinging & looked to her left, Dylan was swinging next to her. He was smiling & they were holding hands & they both started swinging. They leaned in for a kiss until the swing sets moved & there was a gap between Dylan & Summer. Dylan was trying his best to reach out to Summer. Summer extended her arms towards him, but kept holding on to the swing so she wouldn't fall. Every time they stretched their arms towards one another, the more their swings separated further apart from each other. Summer then looked to her right & Jay was swinging next to her. He too was smiling. She lifted her arm to reach out to him, but was afraid his swing would move away if she did. She kept her arm down & looked at Jay with longing eyes. Jay reached out to Summer. Summer yelled out,"No", but it was too late, there now was a gap between her & Jay just as there was a gap between her & Dylan. Summer started to cry & buried her face in her hands.

Jay was shaking Summer out of her dream. She opened her eyes & saw Jay standing there in a white robe.
Jay: Summer, are you ok?
Summer: Yeah, I just had the weirdest dream. I'm fine.

Summer was breathing heavily.

Jay: Here drink some water.

Jay helped Summer sit up & held the cup up to her lips. Summer drank water & it helped her breathing pattern stabilize.

Jay: You fell into a really deep sleep.
Summer: Is the massage over?
Jay: Yeah. Here's your robe.

Summer slipped the robe on & Jay helped her off of the massage bed.

Jay: You sure you're ok?
Summer: Yeah, I'll be fine. I think I just need to eat something.
Jay: Sure.

Jay & Summer enjoyed a seafood buffet for dinner. Summer was pretty ravenous & Jay was laughing at how eager she was cracking all the crab legs. Jay paused to watch her devour her plate of crab legs.

Summer: What?
Jay: Nothing. You're just really cute. So they're showing a movie out at the beach later. You want to check it out.
Summer: Sure, sounds like fun.

Summer & Jay decided to start pre-packing some of their things so that their travel day would go smoothly. Summer came across the checklist from her dad & sat down to look at it. Jay noticed she was reading the note over.

Summer: It's all starting to hit me again.
Jay: It's been 6 years for me & 'til this day I have moments just like that. I know how you feel.
Summer: I just feel like I should be stronger about this.
Jay shook his head & sat next to Summer.
Jay: I think people who cry are some of the strongest people in the world.
Summer looked at Jay in confusion.
Summer: What do you mean?
Jay: Because they've been so strong for so long & they're finally acknowledging the end of their personal strength. Sometimes you have to borrow strength for others & it's ok to ask for help when you need it.
Summer: Who did you go to for help?
Jay: Honestly, your dad.
Summer: Well, now you have me.
Jay smiled & held his hand out to look at Summer's letter from her dad.
Jay: May I?
Summer handed the letter to Jay.
Summer: Of course. I haven't even put a dent in it.

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