"Eggs Bennet"

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Dylan left the apartment early that morning so it was just Bennet & Brian. This was Brian's first day of school which meant hours of orientation. He had planned to pick Serena up, take her to breakfast & drive to campus together. Bennet had other plans. He thought of today as his fresh, new start with a revived relationship with his brother. Bennet was actually trying to turn his life around. He was done with the drugs, alcohol & girls. He was tired of letting so many people in his life down. He wanted to make amends for all his wrong doing. He wanted to start with Brian. Brian came out of his room with his backpack sling over one shoulder. Bennet was cooking in the kitchen & heard Brian come out.

Bennet: Morning, bro!
Brian: That's a lot of food for one person.
Bennet: Not just for me. This is breakfast for two. Me & you.
Brian: Naw, I'm actually headed out.
Bennet: I thought classes don't start til later?
Brian: They don't, but I'm taking Serena for breakfast.
Bennet: Well, there's plenty here. Why don't you invite her over?
Brian: Yeah, we already made plans to go to the diner across from the campus. But hey, maybe next time.

Bennet took off the apron he was wearing & roughly threw it on the counter. He had been up early cooking for Brian only to have his brother reject his offer to spend time with him. Brian didn't feel an ounce of regret. He didn't want to get to know Bennet. It was too late to make things right. Brian has moved on & had no desire to have a relationship with Bennet. He did love his brother & once upon time looked up to him, but not anymore.

Brian went to pick Serena up. He helped her with her bag & helped her in the car.

Serena: Thanks for giving me a ride & for taking me to breakfast. I owe you big time.
Brian: Don't worry about it. I'm headed the same way anyway.
Serena: Well, thank you! How was your weekend by the way? I feel like it's been forever since we talked.
Brian: Um, not much. My uncle Dyxon is thinking of franchising, so there's that. Uh Dylan is still not over Summer.
Serena: I don't blame him.

Brian didn't even want to mention Bennet in conversation. It was an "out of sight out of mind" situation.

Brian: How about you? How'd your prenatal classes go?
Serena: They're actually pretty fun. Most of the moms are first time moms like me so it was nice meeting them. I'm the only one with my grandma as my labor partner, but I'm grateful I have her.
Brian: You're gonna rock it at this mom thing.
Serena: You think so?
Brian: I know so.

Brian & Serena entered the diner & were seated right away.

Serena: Glad there's no wait this morning. I was afraid it'd be packed.
Brian: Right? Hey I gotta go to the restroom. I'll be right back.
Serena: Ok.

Little did Brian know, Bennet was out of mind, but he would soon no longer be out of sight. Bennet took to the mention of the diner & decided to crash their breakfast "date" & meet Serena. Bennet watched as Brian got up & went to the restroom. Bennet approached their table to make his presence known.

Bennet: Hey, Serena, right?
Serena: How'd you know my name?
Bennet: Brian & I go way back.
Serena: Oh, ok. Are you here for orientation too?
Bennet: Kinda.
Serena: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.
Bennet: It's Bennet.

Brian turned the corner from the restroom & was shocked to see someone in his seat.

Serena: Hey Brian, I just met Bennet. He said you guys know each other.
Brian: What are you doing here?
Bennet: You mentioned the diner & I wanted to check out their eggs Benedict.
Serena: They're delicious. I love their Santa Fe Benedict. It has a good kick.
Brian: Speaking of kicks, I'm gonna kick you out of here if you don't leave voluntarily.
Serena: Brian...
Bennet: Yeah, Brian.
Serena:Brian, what's going on?
Bennet: I can't believe you didn't tell her about your favorite brother.
Serena: You're Brian's brother.
Bennet: Yup. We're blood no matter how you feel about me.
Brian: I can't stay & eat.
Serena: Why not?

Brian set down a $20 on the table & stood up.

Brian: This should cover breakfast & the tip for you. I'm not paying for you, Bennet.
Bennet: Where are you going?
Serena: Brian, please stay.
Brian: No. I really can't. Look, I'll save you seat. I'll see you in orientation.

Brian walks out completely angry. Serena was worried, but decided to stay with Bennet.

Bennet: So the Santa Fe Benedict?

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