"Bittersweet Goodbyes"

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The next day, Summer was to fly out back to Washington. It was very bittersweet for her. She was going to miss Jay even if she didn't verbally express it & at the same time was excited to see Grandma & Serena. Jay had enjoyed getting a chance to be close to Summer & taking care of her these past couple of weeks. Summer had other things to focus on, surprising Grandma, getting things in order with Taylor & this new job opportunity. Jay wondered if time away would make Summer forget all about him.

Summer walked down the stairs lugging her luggage behind her. Jay had made cinnamon rolls from scratch along with coffee & bowls of fruit for breakfast. Summer could already smell the food from upstairs.

Jay: Goodmorning Gorgeous!
Summer: Hmm, Goodmorning! Wow! What a spread.
Jay: I made your favorite.
Summer: Cinnamon rolls...

Summer put her bag down & walked up to Jay in the kitchen. She grabbed the spoon full of icing in his hand & started licking it. It turned Jay on just watching her lick the spoon. Jay quickly turned around to wash his hands.

Summer: I can call an Uber. I don't want you to be late for work.
Jay: No, no. I can bring you.
Summer: You sure?
Jay: Of course. Besides, I want to spend as much time with you as I can.
Summer: Thanks. Let's try these cinnamon rolls.

Summer didn't want her emotions to cloud her judgment. She was going to Washington whether or not she was comfortable doing it. She knew it was something she had to do. She needed to stop hiding & face reality.

After breakfast, Jay drove Summer to the airport. The car ride was quiet. Jay waited for Summer to reach for his hand, but she didn't. He was going to miss Summer. It wouldn't be the same without her.
Jay parked by the curb & took Summer's bag out of the trunk. Summer took her bag from Jay & the two locked eyes. Summer could see the pain in Jay's face. She got closer to him, but didn't touch him.

Jay: Summer, take care. And try to enjoy your time with your sister & Grandma. I know they must really miss you.
Summer: Thanks for everything, Jay. The past couple of weeks have been rough, but you've helped me through it.
Jay: You know I'm always here for you.
Summer: I know. Well, I gotta go.

Summer turned around to walk to enter the airport.

Jay: Summer!

Jay ran up to Summer to kiss her. She stopped him.

Summer: Jay, please don't.
Jay: Why not?
Summer: I can't kiss you. Not because I don't want to, but because it'll make it harder for me to leave. I hope you understand.
Jay: I'm trying.
Summer: I'll call you when you I land. Bye Jay.

Summer kept walking & turned around to see Jay's face one more time. This was such a hard goodbye for the two of them. Jay couldn't watch Summer walk away so he quickly got back into his car & drove off to work. All day he tried his best to stay busy in order to keep his mind off of Summer, but he felt sick to his stomach from missing her so much.
As Summer boarded her plane, she couldn't help but get teary-eyed thinking about Jay. She should've hugged him. She should've kissed him. She wanted to, but restrained herself from doing so. She knew that if she did she would've never gotten on the plane. She finally reached Washington safely & took an Uber home. She took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. Grandma answered the door & was in tears as Summer greeted her with a hug.

Serena: Who's at the... Summer! You're home!

The 3 ladies hugged for minutes, crying, laughing & catching up with life. It was only a week, but it seemed like a lifetime. Grandma fixed a pot of coffee between the 3 to share. They talked almost the entire morning. Grandma was so happy to have both of her girls home. Serena felt her daughter move & squirm every time Summer spoke.

Summer: Well, how are things with the baby?
Serena: The doctor says she's healthy. And she's been really active all morning. She moves every time you speak, Summer.
Summer: Really?
Serena: Yeah. It's crazy. Here, feel...

Summer put her hand on Serena's belly. Sure enough, Summer spoke & the baby kicked. They all laughed & were amused.

Summer: She's either annoyed by me or she loves me.
Serena: Oh she loves you...
Summer: Have you thought of any names yet?
Serena: Actually I have.
Summer: What are they?
Serena: I think I have THE name. Miranda...
Summer: It's beautiful.
Grandma: Summer, would you like to get settled into your room?
Summer: Sure.

Grandma walked upstairs with Summer. Summer opened the door to her room & the first thing that jumped out at her was the picture of her & Dylan on her nightstand. Grandma noticed it bothered Summer & she grabbed it out of sight.

Summer: It's ok, Grandma.
Grandma: I should've taken it down. I'm sorry.
Summer: Don't be.
Grandma: So you two are...
Summer: Broken up. Yeah.
Grandma: Do you want to talk about it?
Summer: Nothing to talk about. He cheated on me. I loved him & was heart broken. And now we're not together anymore.

Serena walked upstairs & heard the tail end of the conversation.

Serena: Sorry about Dylan, Summer.
Summer: Yeah. Well, it's in the past now.
Grandma: Well, what about Jay?

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