"Grandpa Luke"

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Grandma always believed in the phrase "Go big or go home" when it came to special occasions & holidays. And even more so when there was a combination of events. Tonight's event wasn't just New Year's Eve, it was also her 68th birthday. The Michaels were invited along with a few neighbors, & Grandma's friends. Summer really didn't want to see Dylan again, but she decided to grin & bear it. She was still a little hurt by what Dylan did no matter how many times he apologized & tried to explain himself. He was forgiven, but Summer thought she'd never get over forgetting what he did. Serena was in the kitchen trying to help out. Summer was on the patio decorating when all of a sudden she heard a crashing noise almost like plates breaking. She ran to the kitchen where Serena was.

Serena: Ugh... Damn it!
Summer: What?! What's wrong?!

Serena was standing above a pile of broken dishes.

Serena: I'm such a klutz!
Summer: Don't worry about it.

Summer starts picking up the pieces & stops Serena from bending.

Summer: It's ok. I got it. Why don't you go... Dust the living room.
Serena: I'm completely useless.
Summer: Serena...

Grandma came in to see the mess & started helping Summer out.

Summer: Grandma, you're not supposed to be cleaning.
Grandma: I'm not?
Summer: Thus is for your birthday party.
Grandma: So? Besides cleaning makes me happy.Summer...
Summer: Yes, Grandma.
Grandma: You still haven't answered my question about Jay.
Summer: Wait, I thought you hated him.
Grandma: I don't hate him. I don't love him, but I don't hate him.
Summer: Well, honestly. I've never even said this out loud... I think I love him.
Grandma: I knew it.
Summer: What do you not know, Grandma?
Grandma: Did I ever tell you about how I met your Grandpa?
Summer: No...
Grandma: Well, your great grandfather, my dad, absolutely loathed him.
Summer: What?
Grandma: It's true. We were young & rebellious. He was all the things that were bad for me. Your Grandpa Luke smoked, drank, owned a motorcycle, had tattoos, the list the goes on & on. I thought those tattoos & that motorcycle of his were rad... Or hot. Whatever it's called these days! Actually, Jay reminds me a lot of your Grandpa Luke.
Summer: Well, why would it be a bad thing?
Grandma: Because it was your Grandpa Luke who got this upper east side New York girl to move way out here to the west coast. And that was the last I saw of both my parents. Your great grandfather said once I walk out that door I could never come back in.

Grandma had a tear stream down her cheek.

Grandma: So at 16 I left home. Your Grandpa Luke & I eloped. He joined the military. Then I got pregnant with your dad & I had no one to help me. I raised that boy all on my own while your Grandpa was deployed.
Summer: So Grandpa took you away from your family.
Grandma: He did, but that's when he became my family & then we raised a family together. Your Grandpa Luke was the love of my life. We were madly in love it was all we had, but it was all we needed. We had each other.
Summer: That's beautiful Grandma. Thanks for sharing that with me.
Grandma: I guess I'm just afraid you'll leave me like I left my folks. I've come to terms that you're no longer that little itty bitty thing I used to rock to sleep & chase after at the park. I just love you too damn much & I don't want to share you.
Summer: I love you too, Grandma.

Summer & Grandma managed to clean up the mess of broken dishes. Summer thought a lot about what Grandma told her about her past. It was a story Grandma never shared before, but today it was timely.

Pretty soon all the guests had arrived & they brought in gifts for Grandma & potluck dishes to share. Grandma had all her friends from the gym & Friday bingo nights. A couple neighbors showed up as well. Even Taylor & her family stopped by for an hour or so.

Taylor: Summer!
Summer: Taylor, it's so good to see you! I'm so sorry I've been AWOL. I called to apologize to the academy. And I also called the high school.
Taylor: And? You taking the music teacher position?
Summer: Although it was a good opportunity, it's just not for me. I had to turn it down.
Taylor: That's a bummer. Hey, I really miss you around here. No one to complain to or ditch meetings with.
Summer: We had some good times didn't we?
Taylor: They were were all good times. Look, we gotta go.
Summer: You just got here.
Taylor: My in-laws keep calling us. They live up the street from here.
Summer: Hey, keep in touch.
Taylor: You know I will. Happy New Year, Summer.
Summer: Happy New Year, Taylor.

The only ones who weren't there were the Michaels. Summer was relieved that they didn't show up. That was until they did show up, right at 10:00 pm.

Serena: You seem tense.
Summer: I do?
Serena: Yeah.
Summer: It's nothing.
Serena: Hey Brian, long time no see.
Brian: I'm good. How are you & baby girl doing?
Serena: Well, baby's good, but I don't know how I'm gonna go to classes this semester.
Brian: I'll be there. I mean maybe not all your classes, but I'll be around.
Serena: Thanks. I think I'm more worried about the social aspects.
Brian: You'll be great. At least you have a built in conversation starter.

Serena broke out in laughter & started hitting Brian's arm. Summer didn't want to be a third wheel so she walked away & whispered to Brian.

Summer: Hittings a good thing.

Brian smiled & continued talking to Serena. Summer looked at the clock. It was getting pretty close to midnight. She pulled out her phone & went upstairs to escape the crowd of people. She tried calling Jay, but reached his voicemail. She remembered he was probably at the military NYE ball. She sighed & laid back on her bed. She could hear the chatter of voices & the music. There were fireworks going off in the neighborhood. All of a sudden she heard a pair of footsteps coming upstairs. They didn't sound like Grandma's or Serena's footsteps. There was a knock on her door & then finally the door opened & there stood Dylan. Summer sat up & looked his way.

Summer: Dylan.
Dylan: I didn't know anyone was up here. I felt awkward downstairs & I wanted to hide.
Summer: You're lying.
Dylan: Ok, I knew you were up here, but everything else was true.
Summer: Dylan, what do you want from me?

Dylan sat on the bed with Summer.

Dylan: I just want you.
Summer: You did have me.
Dylan: I wish I could turn back time.
Summer: I wish so too Dylan, but it's just not in the cards for us to be together. You just have to face it.
Dylan: You love him don't you?
Summer: I do.
Dylan: I know he'll treat you better than I did. I just want to say, sorry.
Summer: I do forgive you. It's just going to take time to forget.
Dylan: At least I know I'm forgiven. Happy New Year, Summer.

Dylan was about to leave Summer's room. Summer stopped him & gave him a hug for closure.

Summer: Wait, Happy New Year, Dylan.

Dylan smiled, walked out & closed the door.

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