"New Friends"

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Krystal & Nat made their way into Summer's house.
Krystal sat on the bench in the entry way while Nat continued poking around. He was amazed at how big the house was & was gawking at all the furniture.

Nat: Must be nice to live off base... Oh wait, you live off base too don't you?
Krystal: Don't you worry. Living on base has its perks too.
Nat: Yeah, I guess. What's taking her so long? My make up is starting to look drab. I'm going to need a touch up soon.

Summer made her way downstairs in a tube top dress & heels. Nat & Krystal started clapping.

Krystal: Girl, you are stunning.
Nat: Gorg... Ok, let's go before we miss happy hour.
Summer: What's up with him?
Krystal: Don't take it personally. He's just really impatient. Come on, let's go.
Summer: So where are we going?
Nat: You'll see...

Summer joined Krystal & Nat for a night of fun. They hit an upscale bar where they ordered drinks & food. Summer enjoyed getting to know Krystal more & meeting Nat. It was about time she made new friends in her new neighborhood. Krystal & Nat knew all about the military life & what it was like being with someone who was deployed.

Nat was short for Nathaniel. Nathan & his twin, Nicholas (Nick) both joined the marines. Nicholas fell in love with the military & Nat fell in love with, George, another guy he met at boot camp. They weren't allowed to date while they were in boot camp so the only way they could continue dating was if one of them were to quit. Nat forfeited his entry into the marine corps, but remained working on base so that he could still be with George.

Nat: So that's my story. What's yours?
Summer: Well, 6 years ago...
Nat: Ok, hold that thought. I drank that martini way too fast. I'll be right back.
Krystal: I need to go to.
Summer: Ok, I'll just be right here.

Summer saved their seats at the bar while they went to the restroom. There was a line to the restroom so it was taking long for Nat & Krystal to get back. Summer finished her drink & started munching on the appetizers. A guy came & sat next to Summer & started flirting with her.

Nick: I noticed your drink was empty... So how 'bout I buy you another?
Summer: Um, no thanks.
Nick: Hmm, wow. Girls still play hard to get?
Summer: I guess so.
Nick: My name's Nick. What's your number? Oh & your name too while you're at it.
Summer: Not giving my name or number out.
Nick: What's a guy gotta do you get both?
Summer: First of all, not be named, Nick.
Nick: Ooh... I like them feisty. I'll get your name & number one of these days.
Summer: Don't count on it.

Nick walked away & Summer was annoyed. Nat & Krystal returned.

Krystal: Hey, what'd we miss?
Nat: Why do you look all annoyed?
Summer: Just a typical douche hitting on me...
Nat: Who?
Summer: He walked off over there somewhere. His name is Nick.
Nat & Krystal looked at each other.
Nat: Oh my god... I'm so sorry. That was my brother. Ignore him.
Summer: Your twin brother you were talking about?
Nat: Yeah. I can talk to him if you want. Tell him to back off.
Summer: Please don't.
Nat: Ok. Anyways, your story?

Summer shared with Krystal & Nat how she & Jay first met & how they started off as just friends with benefits & how Jay loved her this whole time. Nat & Krystal loves hearing "how we met" stories.

Summer: I never heard how you & Devon got together, Krystal.
Nat: Yes, please do tell.
Krystal: Oh shut up, Nat. Sorry, he's just heard it a couple times before.
Nat: Yeah, just a couple times.

Krystal & Devon we're high school sweethearts. Devon got Krystal pregnant Krystal's senior year in high school. While Devon was away at boot camp, Krystal went through her pregnancy & had the baby. Devon finally met his daughter after he graduated. That same day, Devon proposed to Krystal. They never got married because they were afraid that marriage would ruin whatever they had.

Summer: But you guys already have 3 beautiful children together. Why not get married?
Nat: She doesn't believe in marriage.
Krystal: Marriage is a big commitment & it's not for everyone.

Summer nodded in agreement. Just then, the music played louder & Nat & Krystal got up to dance. Nat held his hand out for Summer to grab.

Nat: Come on, dancing will help you forget he's on deployment. It's what we do!

Summer got off of the barstool & started dancing with Nat & Krystal. The 3 held hands & danced around each other. They were laughing & smiling & were enjoying their time. For that moment they had forgotten that their significant others were deployed. Nat was right, dancing helped Summer forget, but only for that moment.

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