"Devon & Krystal"

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Jay & Summer were on their way to Devon & Krystal's house. He filled Summer in on how they all met & how he considered them such great friends.

Jay: Have I told you how gorgeous you look?
Summer: Only a million times.
Jay: Well, you are.
Summer: Thanks...
Jay: Oh & here we are.

They walked up to the door dodging kid's shoes & toys along the driveway & walkway.

Summer: How many kids do they have again?

Jay lifted 3 fingers. Summer nodded & mouthed,"All girls?" Jay nodded. Devon opened the door.

Devon: There he is!
Jay: Hey bro!

Jay & Devon hugged. Devon hugged Summer.

Devon: Come in! Come in! Hey Summer, good to see you again.
Summer: Good to see you too.
Krystal: Hi Summer.

Krystal greeted Summer with a hug. Summer handed Krystal a pie they picked up on the way over.

Krystal: Y'all didn't have to bring anything.
Jay: I know this is Devon's favorite.
Devon: Rhubarb pie? You son of a gun!
Summer: Thank you so much for having us. Your home is beautiful!
Krystal: The pleasure is all ours. It's so nice to see you both together.
Devon: What'd I tell you baby? They're a cute couple. Aren't they?
Krystal: They sure are!
Jay: You guys... You guys are couple goals.
Devon: Couple goals, huh? We better be on our best behavior now. Hey baby?
Krystal: Yes, honey.
Devon: Where them girls at?
Krystal: Probably upstairs.

Krystal lead Jay & Summer into the dining area as Devon walked towards the stairwell.

Devon: Deja, Kacey, & Diamond! You girls better come down here!
Girls: Okay!

Devon joined the rest of the group. The girls came running down the stairs.

Krystal: Girls, come here. You remember uncle Jay from daddy's work. This is his...
Summer: Friend.
Krystal: His friend, Summer.
Summer: Hi girls! What are all of your names?
Deja: I'm Deja.
Kacey: I'm Kacey.

Krystal picks up Diamond.
Summer: And who's this little cutie?
Krystal: This is Diamond. She's 3. Kacey is 7 & Deja is 10.
Deja: But I'm almost 11.
Kacey: How old are you, Summer?
Krystal: Oh baby, you don't ask women those questions.
Kacey: Sorry...
Summer: It's ok. I'm 22.

Krystal brought the girls to the kiddie table & set up their food for them.

Devon: Alright, we got drinks. The ones up here are for the grownups. The kids get the caprisun.

Jay & Devon laugh as Jay helped Devon with the food on the stove. Krystal & Summer sit at the dining table waiting for the guys to finish.

Devon: Sorry ladies, food is almost done. I promise.
Summer: It's ok.
Krystal: Take your time, honey. So Summer, I'm so sorry. I thought that you & Jay were dating.
Summer: It's ok. No, we're not. I actually just got out of a relationship. It was kinda unexpected. He cheated on me & that's that.
Krystal: I'm sorry about that. So what about Jay? I know it might be too soon, but you guys seem to have chemistry & you do look really cute together I gotta say. And you guys would totally make the cutest babies together. I'm just sayin...
Deja: Mom?!
Krystal: Eat your food & mind your business.
Summer: It is a little soon. But I wouldn't say never. Jay's great. He really is. I know he loves me. He tells me everyday. I'm just not sure if I'm ready to commit.
Krystal: Take your time. No need to rush love. I know what you mean. Devon & I have 3 girls & another one on the way. Shhh... And we're not married. Our parents hate it, but we wanna wait.

Devon: So... I saw you two were holding hands today before PT started.
Jay: Yeah. I don't know if it was a habit we formed while we were at the Maldives or what.
Devon: That's right. Y'all went on a romantic getaway.
Jay: It was to help her clear her mind.
Devon: Ok. Whatever you wanna call it.
Jay: For real.
Devon: Ok, ok. But did you guys uh...
Jay: No.
Devon: Really?
Jay: We kissed though.
Devon: Yeah you did...
Jay: She just broke up with her boyfriend. I don't want to rush her. There's no rush. Really! I've waited for her this long.
Devon: Your a saint you know that?
Jay: Oh please.
Devon: A saint... Alright, ladies. Dinner is ready.

Summer went to the kitchen to get Jay. She held his hand & walked him over to the dining table. He liked that they were taking things slow. Summer was equally glad that Jay wasn't rushing her. They enjoyed dinner & a round of table games afterwards. During the car ride back to Jay's house, Summer kept saying how much she loved Devon & Krystal & their girls.

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