"Yours Forever"

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It was the morning after & Jay was about an hour away from reporting in. As he looked down at Summer laying on the bed he knew he was leaving his heart behind. He didn't want to wake her & thought it'd be easier leaving this way. The sun hasn't even begun to rise & the room was still very dark. Everything was still & quiet as Jay brought his bag downstairs. Devon was already out front waiting for Jay. Jay walked back upstairs to give Summer a kiss goodbye. He wrote a note & left it on the nightstand. He leaned over her, kissed her on the lips & caressed her face before pulling the covers up over her arms. As he walked out of the room he looked back at her one more time. He got in the car with Devon.

A few hours later, Summer woke up & called out for Jay. She reached across the bed to find his spot empty. She got up & looked around. He was nowhere to be found. She had a deep feeling of sadness overwhelm her. Jay was gone. She noticed the letter on the nightstand & she opened it up. Tears welled up in her eyes as she started to read it.

My Summer,

I thought it'd be better leaving this way. I'm still as sad AF, but I couldn't bear to see you see me leave. Last night was amazing... The smell of your hair, the touch of your skin & the taste of your lips drives me crazy. I'm going to miss you, Summer. I know you're smart, strong & brave & those are the things that bring me comfort in knowing that you'll be just fine. I'm not sure if I'll be able to contact you while I'm deployed, but I'll try my best to see what I can do. Please don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Stay busy & before you know it, we'll be back in each other's arms. Thank you for being mine & for loving me. I love you more than words can describe. I'm grateful for you & for us.

Yours Forever,

Summer wiped away the tears & laid back down. She curled up under the covers holding Jay's letter close as she sobbed. She didn't eat & didn't do much of anything else the entire day. She stayed in bed & watched mindless tv to try to get her mind off of Jay.

A couple hours later, the doorbell rang. She rolled over & ignored it. The doorbell kept ringing in spite of her ignoring it. She realized that whoever was ringing the doorbell would not be going anywhere anytime soon so she threw on her robe & tousled her hair & walked downstairs. She opened the door & was annoyed & to her surprise she saw 2 people standing in front of her.

Krystal: Hey girl...
Summer: Sorry, I wasn't expecting anyone.
Nat: You look like you weren't expecting anyone.
Summer: Well, excuse me for being a hot mess right now.
Krystal: Come on, Nat it's her first deployment.
Nat: I see...
Summer: I'm sorry. Who are you?
Nat: I'm Nathaniel. My friends call me Nat.
Krystal: Nat's partner is also deployed. And this is Summer. She & Jay are officially a thing now.
Nat: Oh... juicy.
Summer: Ok. Um did you guys need anything? I was planning on having a lazy day indoors.
Krystal: No, girl. We wanted to see if you needed anything.
Summer: I'm good for now. Just coping. But hey I'll call you if I need anything.

Summer was about to close the door & Krystal stuck her boot in the doorway.

Summer: Excuse me?
Krystal: Get showered & put something hot on. We're going out.
Summer: Yes ma'am.

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