"The Bookstore"

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Bennet walked out the front door, but not before giving Grandma a hug & waving bye to Serena first. Grandma closed the door behind her & noticed Serena peeking through the front window curtains as Bennet drove off on his motorcycle. Grandma called out to Serena a few times before finally raising her voice to catch Serena's attention. Serena had been daydreaming of Bennet. Grandma wasn't sure what to think of Bennet just yet. Bennet was on what Grandma liked to call a "trial period".

Grandma: You're just friends, right?
Serena: Grandma?
Grandma: I just want to know.
Serena: Of course we're just friends. Well, for now anyways. We'll see where this goes.
Grandma: Well, I hope this doesn't go further & faster than it needs to. That's how you got that. What do you see in Bennet anyways?

Serena twisted a lock of her hair & had a dreamy look in her eyes.

Serena: Oh I don't know. He's tall, dark & handsome. He drives a motorcycle. He's just got this whole, sexy, dangerous vibe.
Grandma: Dangerous?
Serena: Yeah.
Grandma: Well, you obviously aren't a fan of safety.

Grandma judgingly eyed Serena's 5 months pregnant belly.

Serena: Ok, I get it.
Grandma: Well, what about Brian?
Serena: What about him?
Grandma: Are you guys just friends?
Serena: Yeah, Brian's a friend.
Grandma: And may I remind you of the kiss you both shared on...
Serena: New Year's Day. I know. I know.
Grandma: You can't string two guys along. In the end no one wins. It's unfair, Serena.
Serena: I understand.
Grandma: It's not just you that you need to consider. It's also your daughter. Think about her.

Grandma stood up & left Serena alone with her thoughts. Grandma was right. Serena needed to choose. She hadn't committed to anyone just yet, but she did in one shape or form show her feelings towards both Brian & Bennet. She couldn't help but be attracted to both. Each had such great qualities. "I wish Summer were here", she whispered to herself. She looked at the clock & it was almost time for Brian arrive. He had offered to pick her up so that they could both buy books for class together. The doorbell rang.

Grandma: Serena, Brian's here.
Serena: Coming.

Serena stood up from the table to greet Brian at the door. Grandma gave Serena a stern look as she passed her in the foyer.

Grandma: You two have fun. Thank you so much Brian for all your help.
Brian: The pleasure is all mine. You ready?
Serena: Yeah, let me just grab my coat.
Brian: Ok.

Serena observed Brian more closely today. He was gentle & sweet. No wonder Grandma was more favorable towards him. He carefully helped Serena down the steps & into the car. She often took for granted his gentleman ways. He genuinely asked her about Baby Miranda & how she was feeling throughout the pregnancy. She was comfortable talking to him hours on end talking just about anything. He was a great friend. She didn't want to lose him as a friend. He was too good for her. Here she was, 18 years old & knocked up. Brian deserved more. He deserved better. She didn't want him tangled in her mess. Bennet's life was messy. He probably didn't mind the messy-ness of Serena's situation. And with that, Serena had made up her mind.

They reached the bookstore & the two walked down aisle after aisle reaching for the books needed for their classes. Brian reached for & carried the books as Serena mentioned each one she needed. She was more quiet than usual. Brian noticed she didn't bring up the funny, old man in the corner munching on his bagel who totally looked like a "Lord of the Rings" character. They loved to people watch every time they went out & they often found themselves commenting on & laughing at the same people. She also didn't say a word about the little kid who kept running up & down the aisles. She always had something to say about each child they bumped in to. Brian could tell she was going to be such an awesome mom just by the way she noticed the children around her.

They finally got all the books they needed & they walked towards the cashier. He was wearing a red vest that read "Discount books" with a pin that read "Readers are leaders". He was a tall & skinny high school boy who looked like he dreaded his job. Brian was huffing & puffing as he set the books on the counter.

Cashier: You know we have carts here.

Brian turned to look at the carts in the corner. He was a bit annoyed, but thought it was too late now to be upset over it.

Brian: Thank you. I'll remember for future reference.

Serena was fumbling to get her wallet out of her purse. Brian quickly took his card out to pay for both his books & her books. Serena grabbed Brian's arm.

Serena: I can't let you pay for my books.
Brian: But I want to.
Serena: Brian... it's too much.
Brian: No, it's not.

Cashier: Let me know when you're ready.

The cashier was about to walk away when Brian interjected.

Brian: We're ready!
Serena: Brian. Please.
Brian: Ok, then let me at least buy you dinner.
Serena: Deal.

Brian smiled & paid for his books. Serena then paid for her own.

Cashier: Thanks for shopping at Discount books where readers are leaders.
Brian: Do you really believe that?
Cashier: No. I'm paid to say this.
Brian: Oh & I don't suppose I can use those carts to bring my merchandise out?
Cashier: They're for in-store use only.
Brian: Great.
Cashier: Have a good evening.
Brian: You too.

Brian took a deep breathe as he carried the books in bags to the car.

Serena: I have a free hand.
Brian: No, I got it.

Serena had to keep from laughing. It was comedic watching Brian struggle to the car. He was trying to be macho carrying everything on his own. He quickly threw the books in the trunk & ran around to open Serena's door.

Serena: You're completely out of breath.
Brian: No, I'm fine. So where do you want to go for dinner?

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