"I'm Losing Her"

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Back in Iowa, cousins Dylan & Brian has been sharing a room all week. On this particular night, they were in their bunk beds pillowing their heads to sleep. They had a day of opening gifts, gathering around the old piano singing Christmas carols & baking Christmas cookies. Today was also their traditional gingerbread house competition. Everyone was there, Brian's parents, & siblings. Even his estranged, older brother, Brent, was there. Michelle's family also joined in the Christmas celebration. The two had gone to bed hours ago, but Dylan was wide awake. Brain noticed the bunk bed shift every time Dylan tossed & turned.

Brian: You're still up aren't you?
Dylan: Yeah. I can't sleep.
Brian: Why not?
Dylan: Brian, I messed up. I messed up big time.
Brian: Hey, don't be too hard on yourself. The gingerbread house wasn't that bad. At least it was still standing at the end.
Dylan: No. I'm not talking about the stupid gingerbread house. I'm talking about Summer.
Brian: Oh... How is Summer doing?
Dylan: I wish I knew. See that's the thing, Brian. I don't know. I don't know how my own girlfriend is doing.

Brian remained quiet & didn't know whether to tell a joke or say something stupid to lighten the mood. He decided to keep his mouth shut & listen to Dylan pour his heart out.

Dylan: I think I'm losing her, Brian. There's no one to blame but myself. She's my everything. She was my everything.

Dylan paused & realized he was conversing with the snores of his cousin on the top bunk.

Dylan: Goodnight, Brian.

The next day, everyone who had spent the night we're busily packing their bags & straightening their rooms. Dylan was done & was entertaining his younger cousins. The twins had been arguing over who was taller. Dylan gave them a task to accomplish to get them out of his hair. He told them to each build a snowman & then he'd see which was taller of the two. Michelle watched & giggled as the boys were getting competitive. She sat next to Dylan on the porch. Dylan remained unphased by Michie & continued watching his cousins play. Michie started small talk in hopes to warm up to Dylan.

Michie: As if the gingerbread house competition wasn't enough.
Dylan: Can't blame 'em. It's in the Michael's blood to be competitive.
Michie: Yeah, you're right. Hey...

Dylan finally looked her way.

Michie: I'm sorry again.
Dylan: Sorry for what?
Michie: For...
Dylan: For kissing me? Or for telling my girlfriend that you kissed me.
Michie: Dylan. You know why I did it?
Dylan: Cause you were drunk?
Michie: Cause I love you.

Just then Michie's dad called out to her. It was time for them to head home.

Michie: I'll be right there.

Michie's dad waved to Dylan. Dylan gave a polite smile & returned the wave.

Michie: I always have, Dylan.
Dylan: You shouldn't have kissed me, Michie. We shouldn't have kissed.
Michie: Just remember that I loved you first.

Dylan sat lowering his head. This time Michie's mom called out to her.

Michie: Coming mom! Bye... Dyl head.

Michie hugged Dylan & ran off to her parent's car while looking over her shoulder a few times to catch a glimpse of her childhood crush, Dylan. Brian came out of the house & sat next to his cousin. Brian waved to Michie & her family as they drove off.

Brian: Hey man, sorry I fell asleep last night.
Dylan: Don't worry about it.
Brian: You gave Summer your key though didn't you?
Dylan: Yeah, I did.
Brian: Well, I think it's time to find out if she's wearing it.
Dylan: How?
Brian: Go visit her.
Dylan: Again?
Brian: Well, yeah. Moments like this call for grand gestures. Haven't you seen any rom-coms?
Dylan: Brian, this is real life not a romantic comedy.
Brian: I know. I still say this situation calls for a grand gesture. Go for the dramatic drop in.

Dylan listened to all that Brian was telling him while looking out into the white snow. He missed Summer so much & wished she could be with him that very moment to share in the view of the beauty the snow had.

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