"The First Session"

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Brian: This is gonna break Serena's heart. I can't tell her about Bennet.
Dylan: She needs to know the truth. Besides, it's not like he's leaving her with nothing. He left cash for us all to split between us.
Brian: I just wouldn't know where to begin explaining.

Dylan was sitting on the couch counting all the money from Bennet.

Dylan: There must be at least five grand here.
Brian: $5,000?!
Dylan: And he said it was all hard earned money.
Brian: You believe him?
Dylan: I don't know what else to believe.

Dylan handed the bag over to Brian.

Brian: How much is in here?
Dylan: $6,000.

Summer walked into her first day of work. She was nervous, but excited. This job would be way different from her teaching job in Washington, but she was looking forward to it. She greeted the receptionist with a smile & waited for the glass doors to open. As she walked in, she heard phones ringing & people talking in the halls. People were walking back & forth. It was a shared business office. Her department was on the west side of the floor. She had her own office & couldn't wait to settle in. She entered her office, everything was in pristine order. She took her coat off & set her bag on her desk. She checked her emails & replied to some. Her phone started to ring. "My first phone call", she thought.
It was the receptionist stating that her first client was in to see her.

Summer: I didn't know I'd have a client so soon. This is only my first day.
Receptionist: Sorry, Miss Harper. This one was military assigned.
Summer: I see. Ok, well send the client in.

Summer stepped out from behind her desk & sat on the armchair adjacent to the sofa in her office. She took out her iPad & adjusted the decorative figurine on the coffee table in front of her. She sat down, composed herself & crossed her legs. She took a deep breath as she heard footsteps from down the hall. Summer stood up & straightened her glasses & blouse. The receptionist knocked & Summer spoke up to signal entry to come in. The door opened & Nick stepped in.

Nick: Summer?
Summer: Nick...
Receptionist: Oh you two know each other?

The receptionist handed over a folder to Summer.

Nick: I guess we do.
Receptionist: Did you need anything else, Miss Harper?
Summer: That'll be all, Barbara. Thank you.

The door closed & Nick & Summer we're alone.

Nick: I didn't know you were a counselor
Summer: It's my first day. Have a seat.
Nick: Ok. Nice office you've got here.
Summer: Thanks. Let's begin shall we.

Summer opened up Nick's folder & began his session. Nick hardly took his eyes off of Summer & Summer could feel his eyes on her like the heat during the peak of a warm day. The session lasted for about 45 just discussing personal things that bothered Nick. They didn't delve into anything too deep as Nick wasn't comfortable in sharing anything. He mostly created small talk & pushed away any of Summer's questions as to why he was really there. He wasn't ready to open up to her just yet. Before they knew it, Summer's timer went off signaling the end of the session.

Nick: How'd I do, coach?
Summer: I think the first session went well, we'll meet back next week. Same time work for you?
Nick: Yeah.

Summer led Nick to the door. Nick turned to look at her. He noticed that a strand of hair swung in front of her glasses. He gently moved it. She brushed his hand away & fixed it herself.

Summer: I'd appreciate it if we kept things strictly professional during your sessions.
Nick: Technically my session is up. I'll see you around.

Nick walked back down the hall to exit. Summer felt uncomfortable, but knew this was all a part of her job.

Brian drove up to Serena's house & took a deep breath before stepping out. He thought it'd be best if he spoke to Serena in person about what happened to Bennet. He walked up to the door & rang the doorbell a few times. He peered into the glass portion of the door & didn't sense any movement. No one was home. He sat on the porch swing & decided to wait there 'til someone arrived.

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