"Catching Feelings"

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Summer had to admit, Jay looked really good in his uniform. Everywhere they went on base, people were saluting Jay. He would salute back. Jay introduced her to a couple of people. Some faces she remembered from her father's funeral & some were new to her. Summer reached for Jay's hand. Jay looked at her hand & then looked at her.

Summer: I hope this is ok.
Jay: It's more than ok.
Summer: Where are we going now?
Jay: I gotta lead PT.
Summer: PT?
Jay: Physical training. Look, are you sure you wanna come.
Summer: Yes.
Jay: Ok. Sit up there on the stands. There's a few shops down there in case you get bored.
Summer: Ok.

Summer held onto Jay's hand as he was walking away.

Jay: Summer...
Summer: Ok. Go.

He looked back at her as he walked towards the field of the new recruits who he now had to train. She watched as he yelled at them & let them into one exercise into the next. It looked intense. She got turned on at how he barked orders at the recruits. He was so sexy & she was getting horny. After finally ending things with Dylan, she could finally be with Jay. She obviously had feeling for him. She knew how he felt about her, but she wondered if it was too soon to be feeling the way she did. She needed to be sensitive to Dylan's feelings, but she also shouldn't make Jay wait longer than he already has. She also needed to be true to her own feelings. She was starting admit that she was catching feelings for Jay.

The recruits noticed Summer sitting on the bleachers & took a look at her. One recruit whistled at her. Jay marched up to the young man who whistled & got all up in his face.

Jay: Did this recruit just whistle?!
Recruit: Sir, yes, sir!
Jay: Why did this recruit do it?
Recruit: Because of the hot girl sitting on the bleachers, sir.
Jay: I want every recruit to look at the hot girl on the bleachers.

Everyone turned their heads to look at Summer. Summer was taken aback, but watched to see what Jay was yelling about.

Jay: You can look, but you can't touch. That means, you, recruit. Do I make myself clear?
All Recruits: Sir, yes sir!

While the recruits went on their 5 mile run, Jay ran up to Summer.

Jay: Hey.
Summer: Hello, sir.

Summer saluted him. Jay fixed the formation of her hand to show her how to properly salute.

Summer: Like this?
Jay: There you go!
Summer: I'm gonna go to the store to look around.
Jay: Ok, I'll be done after they're done with their 5 miles. I'll be joining them shortly. Just giving them a head start. And then I gotta go into the office for a few things.

Jay went running towards the recruits & eventually caught up to them. Summer walked passed the field towards the store. She walked around & looked at the clothing & shoes. There was a worker who smiled at her. It was a woman around her early thirties. She looked friendly & so Summer waved. The worker approached her.

Krystal: Hi there, finding everything ok?
Summer: Yeah. Thanks.
Krystal: I'm sorry, this is gonna sound crazy, but are you Summer Harper?
Summer: How'd you know my name?
Krystal: Ok, it is you... Sorry, I'm Krystal Roberts.
Summer: Hi.

Summer was being friendly, but wondered why & how this lady knew her.

Summer: How do you know me?
Krystal: I'm sorry you must be freaked out that a stranger is talking to you & knows who you are. I'm a friend of Jay's. I believe you've met Devon.
Summer: Devon Marshall?
Krystal: Yeah, he's my fiancé.
Summer: Oh ok.
Krystal: It's nice to finally meet you. Jay talks to Devon & I about you all the time.
Summer: Really?
Krystal: Yes. That man worships the ground you walk on. Let's just say that.
Summer: Oh wow...
Krystal: Anyways, do you & Jay have plans for dinner?
Summer: I'll have to check with him.
Krystal: If you guys are up for it, Devon is dying to try out his new grill that he got for Christmas. We'd love to have you over for dinner.
Summer: Ok, I'll let Jay know. Thanks, Krystal.
Krystal: Bye.

Krystal got up & walked over to the registers to help customers out. Summer was touched by how nice Krystal was. And she was surprised to hear that Jay had been talking about her to his friends.

Summer joined Jay in his office & was looking at the book shelves while he was typing up reports on his computer. They made eye contact a few times. Summer could see in Jay's eyes the longing he had for her.

Summer: I met Krystal.
Jay: Oh yeah?
Summer: Yeah, she's really sweet. She invited us over for dinner.
Jay: You wanna go?
Summer: If that's ok with you. I'd like to get to know your friends better.
Jay: Of course. Devon & Krystal are so down to earth.
Summer: Krystal mentioned that you talk about me all the time?
Jay: Is that what she said?
Summer: I think it's sweet of you...
Jay: Really? How about we skip dinner & go straight to dessert?

Summer walked up to Jay who was sitting in his desk chair. His penis was bulging through his pants. She sat on his lap & then all of a sudden, Jay's office door flung open. Summer jumped off & Jay stood at attention. It was one of Jay's superiors.

Jay: Hello sir.
Lieutenant: I didn't know you had company. I apologize. At ease.

Jay walked over to Summer & introduced her to the lieutenant.

Jay: This is Summer, the late Master Sergeant Harper's daughter.
Lieutenant: It's a pleasure to meet you.
Summer: Nice to meet you, sir.

Summer shook the lieutenant's hand. The lieutenant handed Jay an envelope & walked out.

Summer: I thought you were the most intimidating guy on base. I was wrong. That guy was...
Jay: Yeah, he's pretty intimidating.
Summer: What's in the envelope?
Jay: My orders.
Summer: What's that?
Jay: Sometimes I'll be stationed somewhere for a few months to a whole year.
Summer: Oh...
Jay: Military life.

Jay opened the envelope & read the paper with his orders. He looked disappointed, but carried on. He placed the envelope in one of his drawers & let Summer out of his office.

Jay: Let's go get ready for dinner.

Jay held out his hand for Summer to hold. She held onto his hand as they walked to Jay's car & she held his hand the whole ride to Jay's house.

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